Tucker set himself up for this

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Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden to help get his kid into college. Hunter did. Carlson speaks ill of Hunter. Eff Tucker Carlson – the bowtie wearing Russian shill

No one deserves it more.

Cucker is such a spoiled little rich boy. Him calling anyone else privileged is hilarious.

AOC even worked her way through college and graduated at the top of her class on her own merit.

Tucker Carlson was so stupid that he couldn’t get into college. His father-in-law had to bribe his way in to a liberal arts college. The only one that would take him.

But then, Carlson was still too stupid. He maintained a D average and then left. But he was granted a diploma the following year, most likely because his father bought him one.

Then his father told him to go into journalism because they would take anyone. He is an absolute moron who has always lived a life of privilege.

Tucker is such an annoying heiress.

Look we all know why they hate her, she’s an attractive, intelligent Latina woman, and she got herself into the HoR to try and do the right thing for those in society most in need, and she has more murders of right wing dickheads on social media than anyone else I’ve seen, of course the racist and mysogynist Republicans are going to hate her.

They hate her so much ๐Ÿ˜‚

In 2024, Carlson shared with a documentary producer that he believes that he was mauled by a demon while he was in bed. The attack left him bleeding.

Wow, crazy much?

That is like Meghan McCain accusing Joe Biden of nepotism for pardoning his son.

AOC over here existing in multiple quantum states.

Reminder that Fox News lawyers argued in court, successfully, that no reasonable person would take Tucker as anything but exaggeration and opinion.

Dude’s got a drive-into-it-with-a-speeding-bus-able face.

Maybe this isn’t strict canon, but go with me here:

Tucker is heir to the Swanson fortune.

Mary Swanson is a rich socialite with a home in Aspen.

Therefore, Tucker is part of the Dumb and Dumber universe.

A guy I know told me he likes Trump because heโ€™s โ€œnot one of these country club types like AOC.โ€ I told him: Trump literally lives at a country club. People are fucking stupid

Fun fact: Tucker had to have his daddy get him his jobs for him.

Does Tucker Carlson have no upper lip?

its almost like all republican politicians, influencers and other such talking heads are FUCKING LIARS.

Conservatives can just say anything and their supporters will believe it. Even if it contradicts something they already said.

Never did buy that processed crap, but now I’m going to actively avoid it. Fuck Swanson and fuck Tucker.

Of all the douches in that silo, Cucker is the one I would absolutely punch in the fucking face in public.

Carlson is an heiress for sure

This is so old Tucker still had a job.

You mean Tucker Carlson Russian sympathiser tucker carlson?

Tucker Carlson is scum.

I can’t wait for this man to be thoroughly exposed for what he is, one day.

He’s the kind of man that can’t sell his soul to the devil, because there’s nothing worth selling.

Tucker is a lot of things but I think calling him a piece of human garbage sums it up nicely. Dude got fired by Fox News! Now just take a moment to think just how bad someone with his pedigree and way of thinking has to fuck up to get canned by the biggest wacko so-called “news” network on the planet?

Go wave your rubles around somewhere else Tuck

Schrรถdingerโ€™s Rep

We can directly complain to tucker about how odd the dessert taste nowadays in our frozen dinners. Has the dinners shrunk over the years, I swear it has.

Tucker, you keep bringing your testicles out in public to tan, she’s gonna keep stomping on them

Without a doubt, there’s no one more deserving.

Wait, for real he is an heir to the Swanson food empire?

That explains so much.

He looks like one of those memes of babies, taking a dump in their diaper all the time. Like his face never changes.

Tucker calling anyone privileged is peak irony. AOC stays undefeated.

Carson isn’t even on TV in the UK and I still want to punch him in his stupid haircut.

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