Tumblr Moment

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satanic panic would be so funny if it wasn’t real

Satanic panic? More like semantic panic at this point.

Did the Satanic Panic ever truly end, cause the Republican Party seems to befilled with elected representatives who genuinely think any media left of them was created by Satan himself, and Democrats drink the blood of good Christian children

Piss on the poor website :/

war of drugs

Tumblr users not beating the being extremely stupid allegations

You know it’s no excuse because you can at least go to Wikipedia dot com and look stuff up but shit like this is going to reach levels of braindead heretofore unseen because of Google’s dogshit search algorithm.

Moral puritanism, conservative


Moral puritanism, progressive

Both are cordially invited to suck a fart out of my ass.


i dont get the first post 🙁

A guy makes an observation on internet bandwagon culture, gets called a fascist, person tries to make it about sexual abuse and the war on drugs.

Ah, tumblr.

Not to discourse on a silly post, but isn’t the whole issue with the satanic panic that “survivors” weren’t actually being listened to? A lot of the issues were caused by “”””therapists”””” who were weirdly good at getting kids to admit to abuse that never actually happened. An adult talking about their abuse is one thing, a minor having that abuse wrung out of them by a questionable therapist is another thing entirely.

Imagine being blissfully ignorant of the satanic panic

Tumblr IS an ongoing Satanic Panic.

If I were in the Satanic Panic back then, I’d be fucked. I’m a massive metalhead and even if they didn’t know I was trans they’d still see a butch lesbian wearing a bunch of “evil” band shirts and assume I was out to hurt their kids.

But of course, now being trans is the panic. The band shirts might be freaky or gross or cool or whatever, but that’s less of an issue that gets dismissed as the music I like. But the fact that *gasp* my partner and I acknowledge ourselves as women despite being “born of the penis”, means we’re out to hurt their kids.

I understand, conservatives have so many lies. It is hard to sort out the ones that have been debunked from those morons still believe.

“You do not mean what you said. What you meant was that you disagree with my pet social or ideological views, despite it having fuck all to do with what anyone is talking about. All posts must be talking to me specifically.”

Do these people realize that “the people on the screen are talking to me directly” is like one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia?

My reading of this – 4 comments with no further context – , is that shrimpsisbugs hasn’t understood tragicallyphosphorescent.

Tragicallyphosphorescent does seem to indicate that they know what Satanic Panic is. The question they appear to be asking, to me, is “why of all the examples of collective delusion, have you chosen this particular one, and is there a subtext here, perhaps they you are sceptical of claims of sexual abuse in general?”

But, again, I realise this is just a few sentences (and some of them not very well articulated ones) without much context. My reading would likely be different with more context.

Apparently tragicallyphosphorescent deleted their blog, but judging by the search results I got they were a dumb piece of work.

H. How stupid are people that they see “Satanic Panic” and think that you’re being offensive-

Idk this feels kinda like a reddit moment in here? The post doesn’t REQUIRE a current parallel but the way it’s written trends to IMPLY that there *is* one.

IE, if the satanic panic was happening now a lot of you guys would fall for it (implied: because a lot of you are falling for [x] currently). The person responding was aggressive sure, but the question “what is this about?” is valid.

Basically there’s no issue with saying “why do you say that?” in response to “a lot of people here are gullible” imo

Satanic panic is like that one song you can’t escape—it just keeps playing on repeat.

No, don’t you see, she dared him. It’s legally binding.

I lost my first edition TSR beginners pack and my favourite dice to the Satanic Panic.

The Satanic Panic makes way more sense when you realize that it started in the 80s, which happened right after the 70s. Drugs and hippies and free love and weird cults. Jonestown happened in ’78. It would be weirder if there wasn’t a weird backlash.

smth smth reading comprehension but i think many users have an insane need to be the most progressive guy in the room and are often fighting problematic shadows

The last reply makes no sense. Tragicallyphosphorescent isn’t asking what “satanic panic” means. They’re asking Shrimpisbugs specifically what’s being commentated on by this post.


Is this supposed to be over? My mother has used my penchant for satanic rituals to justify all manner of bullshit. I *still* get uneasy around people who believe in magic.

Satanic Panic sounds like a Scooby-Doo episode name.

You sweet summer child.

Their post they made later doubling down is even better

I’m so glad I was recommended this post as a reminder why I shouldn’t rejoin tumblr

An interesting method to bring in customers

I felt lucky my Christian mother let me play/watch Pokemon and Harry Potter as kid.

This is no different from the way reddit behaves.

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