TV Light Simulator found in store

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It’s not to make them think you’re home, it’s to make them think you’ve only got a 27″ TV.

It’s funny that it specifies your fake tv is high definition.

Reminds me of my grandparents security system in their house, which was the radio. The doors were never locked, just turn on the radio.

Its sabre, it will catch fire

I run a similar device in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

It’s on a timer, and in the evenings when I’m not home it makes a really convincing effect of someone being in and watching TV if you’re looking from the street.

Oh this would be so comforting to fall asleep to, sometimes I mute the volume and fall asleep with the tv on

That someone found in a store 5 years ago when they made the post

Dunder Mifflin is a part of Saberrrrr 🎶

This was an old person deterrent idea in the late 90s and early 00s but leaving the TV or a light on made more sense. Same gimmick tier as the clap on light switch.


Great prank on the TV Licence guy.

Home Alone-level security upgrade

Still more entertaining than True Detective Season 4.

I would buy that and use it on a timer when I’m out of town. Last time my whole house was empty for a few nights, I had lamps on timers that all went off at different times in the evening.

My step mother basically had never lived outside of a city all her life into her mid 40s. When she married my dad they bought a house in a wooded semi-rural area. Still only a few minutes from a Walmart but very quiet with about 10 acres of woods behind their house.

She got extremely paranoid for a few years, Aparently the lack of city sounds made her feel like someone was watching her or something like that. They used one of these in the finished basement and one of these on the first floor as well as door bars and motion activated things that made very loud dog barking sounds (basement only). Of course, on top of a home security system.

I need like 10 of these and some lsd

May get a rapist, but not a burglar.

Meant to avoid burglars.

BigClivedotcom needs to dissect this

I didn’t realize this was supposed to be a security “system”. I thought it was for sleeping like a reverse white noise machine and I was so confused. I like sleeping with the tv on for the noise. But the worst part is the flickering lights. Which is why a lot of times I just stream on my phone on speaker and put it face down on the nightstand

My father’s side of the family had one of the first ‘wide’ screen TVs that was basically a double wide tube TV or double wide early 2000s PC monitor. It took 2-3 people to move it around. Then they had ome of the first really big 40-inch TVs. It took, by what I was told, 6-8 people to lift safely. Getting that giant tube TV through doorways was hell.

Reminds me of my friend’s grandma’s house… she had bars on all the windows, fence, etc. but inside the house she had the front dining room setup with mannequins at the table looking like they were eating and a light behind them to project the shadows onto the window curtains.

Home Alone ahh gadget

If you increase the voltage, does it become a seizure stimulator?

I work in the film industry and have seen a very very similar product that simulates TV flicker as a lighting technique for scenes that have a tv in the room. It’s literally a little box that looks exactly like this, but is probably 5x more expensive, because all film gear is expensive.

Cardboard cutouts dancing to Rocking Around the Christmas Tree sold separately

So many childhood memories. This one blue one..

I’d watch that instead of Season 8 of GoT.

Home Alone vibes

Better have a home automation system with lights programmed to turn on and off randomly at certain times, noises too look like someone is at home and there’s activity while you’re not at home.

Damn. My phone has a bigger screen

How will you use it?

I’d use it as a night-light to help me sleep. Something about the flickering light from a TV sends me off to sleep so quickly.

It’s not sabré it’s Sabre..

Netflix make a version. They’ve put the cost up three times this year and just cancelled the flashing lights. 

27 inch is oddly specific

Remember kids, always get the real taxi, that’s the one that puts you on fake TV.

We use the cars in our driveway. There’s always cars here. So anyone could be home. There’s 8 in the driveway most of the time, 4 people that live here. We all own at least 2 cars. And everyone is always taking different cars. So it’s not always the same ones left home. My dad and I own 9 between just us, and leave most of them at our body shop. So there’s sometimes a rotation. Honestly I can’t even keep track of who’s home when just looking at the driveway. We’re not rich lol my family just likes cars and we’re in the car business

Lol following hurricane sandy flood regulations there we “blue light inspections” to see which properties had finished basements (not allowed) by driving by and night and seeing this exact blue light in the window.

Helps people sleep, I’m sure


Isn’t it more simple by just leave the TV on?

Or you don’t have a TV? Get a radio…

Why not just leave the TV on?

Also handy for inducing seizures.

I’m pretty sure these don’t work with modern TVs.

In the old days, TVs used to change brightness and flicker frequently and obviously. It was quite easy to see if a TV was on in a house, even if the curtains were drawn

When someone has their curtains drawn today, you cannot tell if their TV is on or not. This flickering simulator device, will make it quite clear no one’s at home because the living room will be practically strobing

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