Twitter fact checks the “no tax on overtime” bill

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that “end wokeness” account, whoever runs it, must have a constant stream of keyboards shipped to them cuz the drool must destroy on a daily basis.

This administration literally” Rick rolled” the public about child rape yesterday. You support Trump you think child rape is a joke? You scabs in here disgust me .

The goal is not to give the working class more and if you don’t see that you are a fool.

This feels like something out of Black Mirror

Lmao and MAGAts will eat this is as if it’s true 😂😆

That’s the entire Republican political strategy at the moment: LIE.

Just say untrue things that sound good, and trust that enough of your voters will believe it without ever checking for themselves.

Truly, that’s legitimately it. Talk to any Trump supporter on your site and they’ll rattle off a bunch of shit that can be disproven with a 30-seconds google search. But I can’t even talk shit because it’s obviously a winning strategy lmao.

I mean come on… no tax on overtime? If I was a naive 19-20 year old I’d believe it. It just didn’t make sense, especially in America where the working class is constantly being fucked.

“end wokeness” just means go back to sleep

In case anyone is curious as to what actually was proposed, it was to change OT to over 160 in a month.

So your employer could work you on 80 hour weeks for two weeks then avoid paying you any OT by cutting your hours for the next two weeks.

This was also first proposed in Project 2025. Promises made, promises trying to be kept.

The pedo lied?

End Wokeness has to be Russian propaganda account. Either that, or they must really love the taste of boot leather.

Wasn’t Dirty Diaper Don and administration trying to get rid of Time and 1/2 pay for overtime?

GOP learning from Chump.

Just say shit, say anything, the dopes in this country will buy it.

Does anyone have a link to the bill?

It is Propaganda, they have realized that they can manifest an alternative convenient reality, like all fascists did, the trick is to flood the space with lies, even obvious verifiable and debunked ones, and a portion of the population will eventually distrust their own eyes and adopt the lies and help perpetuate them! They have undermined intellectualism, critical thinking, and institutions (that provide data, statistics, and research papers and studies), replaced with conspiracy theories, straight up lies and Orwelian speech pattern and behavior.

We are living in a post truth culture, as the concept of Truth is less relevant to the cultists than Truth app…

I am a proud Union Electrician (IBEW), and it pains me to say that most white guys on the jobsite are so spiteful and hateful that they re willing to take the hit and undermine the labor union in order to see those they dislike get hurt! I see no hope…

You can also notice that the Maga federal workers and contractors who ve lost their jobs and contracts, always justify the unfairness of what happened to them by claiming that they re not “DEI” (Which small business contractors, veterans priority in federal jobs are by definition DEI initiatives), what they really mean is that they are HWHITE! therefore entitled to be on top, and crush the others, and only have a problem with what’s going on when it directly hit them!

One of the marking traits of conservatives is a complete lack of empathy, and a will to punch down, and bootlick up…It is desperate, sad and hopeless…

Solidarity forever!

the republican LIES are ongoing.

Now the budget goes back to committee and the details will get ironed out. When this is all said done there will be taxes on all three of these so-called taxable items. Republicans will hide that fact…Keep in mind this is not any official government account, it’s twitter.

If you eliminate OT, there won’t be taxes on it.

If your job disappears because no one can afford to eat, your tips won’t be taxed.

Such a golden age /s

So basically, this tweet is a complete lie. What. A. Shocker. And on Twixxer of all places

I’m still I’m not sure why people shouldn’t pay taxes on tips and overtime?

I guess it’s like the little scraps they throw to people so feel like they’re getting something while on the other side they’re working to eliminate overtime as a thing and giving billions in tax breaks to the ultrarich

On the conservative subreddit they are so happy for the overtime and tip provisions!!! Which do not exist.

Why the obvious lie? The bill is publicly available to read on the government website. They expect us to be stupid and/or blind?

Any one have links on this. My understanding is dems voted no on massive tax cuts to the rich and the no tax on tips or overtime wasn’t even in this bill. Search isn’t getting me anywhere And other guys are already walking up to me and saying Dems voted against no tax on overtime!

Elon owns X/Twitter. Very soon the fact checking will be adjusted to fit his agenda. Boycott X/Twitter and move to Bluesky.

Everything is a lie/projection. I’m about to start going around saying they’re coming directly after old people Social Security because even though not technically correct, just like them I believe that it is true enough and if I repeated enough, then it will become true just like they do with.” facts”

Yep. That whole “Promises made. Promises kept.” thing is some sick shit.

That was the Trump campaign’s big motto in 2020.

In 2016 he promised literally dozens of things he absolutely failed to deliver on (clear the national debt, a border wall that Mexico would pay for, free beautiful healthcare at a fraction of the cost for everyone, locking up Hilary, muslim ban, etc…).

In 2020 they just said fuck it, we’ll just use the old Jedi mind trick and tell all these rubes we kept all our promises.

And the rubes just lapped it up.

Looked up “cut” “overtime” “tip” “social” “end “ and didn’t find anything related to ending taxes on tips, overtime, nor social security.

If someone knows where to find it, I’d love to know, and I will remove my comment.

However, at this point in time, I can only conclude that this is a huge lie being told by the republicans.

Straight gaslighting and lies. It’s not what the bill says. Red pills are just gullible.

[tax increase for middle class. Spoiler alert: it’s a real fuck job]comment image)

Whats also is in the bill is cutting 880 billion from medicaid but that part is getting ignored and the right is yelling at the dems for magically not support no tax on overtime or tips anymore.

We’re so fucked

Why do these people even exist

Question: How can you tax something that doesn’t exist?

Why do you think Elon suddenly wants to remove community notes?

These people lie constantly, without qualm or conscience.

The only, and I mean ONLY, way to end this is to increase the number of people who are able to identify a blatant lie when told right to their face.

Cue more education defunding and demonization.

I hope twitter wouldn’t correct. In the end of the day these idiots will see their paycheck with more tax on everything so maybe something will click in them.

If magats could read they’d be pissed.

It really doesn’t matter. The inbred won’t read it. They’ll believe the lies.

“Promises made”

“Promises kept”

I thought they were being sarcastic, I don’t see it was that fucking end wokeness shit.

Another shit site from Russia with love

Promises what
Promises who

So they promised no 50 hour work weeks

I mean, they can say this. They can even get people to believe it for a while. But ultimately, when it doesn’t manifest in one month or two months or six months, the jig will be up.

If true, then watch how all pay suddenly comes in the way of tips or overtime, although I do admit no federal taxes on social security is inviting. My question is, how do you balance the budget when you are cutting taxes? As usual with these budgets the math is fuzzy (e.g. remember when Trump said his tax cuts would help us “grow” out of the debt, yet we wound up with $8T more debt?) Everyone wants to live in a country with good schools, good roads, police and fire departments, national parks, etc., but no one wants to pay for it.

They will spin it and say all dems voted no and the only thing they got through was a tiny bill for a small amount of people but it will be looked into and they will try again

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to think the GOP is just not going to want to collect OT or tip tax…

End wokeness has to take down more posts than they put up. Their whole audience are…’deplorables’

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