Two adults and a 5yo spending on average $450/week. What’s your fam/avg?

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lol please post your receipts so the internet can review your life choices ๐Ÿ˜›

1.8k monthly? 0_0

Is the 5yo a grizzly bear or something?

Your 5 year old is probably spending too much at Costco.

Spending 23k at costco for the year… yall rich rich

How do you spend that much? We are exact same, 2 adults and a 5 year old, and we spend maybe $500 a month? And then maybe $100 a week at the grocery store. Our total grocery budget for the month is $900 which I think is too much but we live in a HCOL. What are you spending $1800 a month on?

Costco just doesnโ€™t have most of the stuff we need. Iโ€™d say I go once every three weeks and spend 300$ or so. Mostly meat and dog food/pullups.

Weekly is not a typo correct? Even for a family of 5, $450/week is terrifying!

Your spending is outrageous

Whenever I see families spending that much money, it can only mean one thing: they are buying a lot of beef or perhaps expensive seafood.

How the hell do 3 people eat 450 bucks in groceries per week otherwise??

You guys eat very well. Too well?

We get it, you’re quite well off.

Is your mortgage through Costco? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Then our family was that size, I don’t think we could have eaten that much in a week?

Absurd spending for a family of 3

Iโ€™m guessing this is the 1%

i dont see how you could do this unless you bought some vacations with costco.

This is equivalent to spending $23500 at costco.


Jesus christ. I spend maybe 350- 400 a month on 2 adults for all groceries

I am dying for OP to come back and explain this madness!

Yo, what? You feeing this toddler steaks?

You gotta post a receipt or 2. Please.

Are there any big purchases that are throwing your average off? Bc I canโ€™t imagine how youโ€™re spending that much every week for a family of 3.

You arenโ€™t even getting things like diapers or formula if your kiddo is 5.

Lmao at $23k a year at Costco alone.

Plot twist, OP and their partner each weigh 650lbs and their 5yo is actually an adult male African Elephant.

Op pushing 300lbs rn

$450/week for a 2-adult, 1-child household…are you sure that’s a monthly expense and not a WEEKLY?

Iโ€™m sorry but you are definitely buying a whole bunch of garbage that you donโ€™t need. $450 a week is outrageous

2 adults and a dog. No big purchases this year. We go monthlyโ€™ish. Our rebate this year was $96.

We are a family of 7 and we spend about 250 at Costco a week.

Most people are agreeing here that it is astronomically high for 2 people and a 5-year-old, as some others have said, let’s see those receipts!

Is this another tone-deaf “humble” flex?

Wtaf are you spending $450/week on?? Our family couldn’t eat that much food from Costco in a week if we tried. And we got a whole extra person.

$450 a week with 2 adults and a 5 year old? wtf you buying?

Who TF spends $450/week. Are you running a business?

$250 a month including liquor

Our rewards cert was $950 or so but we pay all bills, buy gas, book vacations, etc on the card along with a once every 2 weeks trip for around $300 average. I’d say our vacation spending is what gets us the most.

Wow what are you eating?

everyone has to weigh around 300 lbs or more

Sweet humble brag bro

Thank you for taking my costco Stocks from $400 to $1000.

We need more like you.

people spending habits are over consumers… this is why ppl suck


House of 5 and donโ€™t spend nearly as much with near weekly trips. How much impulse buying you doing?

Oh, you’re RICH

You are spending A LOT for a couple with a small kid. We do about $1k/ month as a family of 4 with 2 teenagers & 2 dogs. And thatโ€™s been pretty constant since the kids were small. Our splurge is booze (wine & champagne).

If you donโ€™t already have the Costco credit card, get it ASAP!! Doubles your rebates, which is a huge benefit. Plus doubles Costco/manufacturer warranties on many items. We also use it for Costco travel trips.

450 a week??? You guys eating steak every night? I have a family of 7 and I do most my shopping at Costco and Iโ€™m about 400 every two weeks

Why do people like to flex how much they spend @ Costco? Like the housing real estate market is bad, most folks canโ€™t afford to buy a home right now. Rents are at an all time high. And OP is like โ€œLook at me spend money, where do you land compared to me?โ€

Who. The. Fuck. Cares.

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