Two men at a trump Ohio rally 2018

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If you told me 30 years ago that cable news would be responsible for something like this, I would have called you crazy. Yet here we are. They have hammered at this division for decades, and shit finally broke. GG.

they literally look Russian

What’s with all the proud traitors these days

I’d rather be an American than a republican.

Can we bring back the old ‘better dead than red’ slogan?

It’ll be nice when these cult fucks can’t afford there medication, housing, or pretty much anything as all their government subsidies will be gone.

Nothing but deplorables

That’s not fair, neither of them are probably alive anymore due to:


Heart disease


Environmental conditions from lack of oversight

Starvation due to lack of income

Brain shut down due to lack of intelligence

Poof! And now you are!

#Then go to Russia.

I hate it when people like this get what they wish

Putin’s party

Be careful what you wish for! Me? I will fight to my death before we are Russians. My nieces and nephews deserve to have he life I’ve had.

Good news for them then.

They are getting their wish!

Food queues and KGB incoming!

White? âś…
Fat? âś…
Old? âś…

Wear those t-shirts in 1970’s Texas and see how long it takes for them to be dyed red.

Wonder who the lucky women are who married these monstrosities

wish granted

If they were to wear those shirts in the 50s or 60s they would definitely not be smiling lol

but hey it’s 2025 *project* 2025 is destroying all Americans at a alarming rate so this normal


I feel supremely confident that most Trump voters will regret their choice once the screws start getting put to them. And it WILL happen.

It’s the rest of us that don’t deserve what’s coming.

those two certainly died of covid

WTF has happened to America…?!

Back in the real Republican party wearing that would get you shot.

Hey! They might be getting their wish. With Trump bending over to get rogered by Putin

So move to fucking Russia then.

They’re about to get their wish.

Aka two morons

We need to revive Red Foreman and allow the man to put foot to asses

Bob Vance. Vance Refrigeration.

This photo is really old. I’d love to get an update: how do these two old fools feel about these shirts now?

Their definition of a democrat is anyone who doesn’t eat the corn out of Tromps colostomy bag.

Yeah, thanks Rush Limbaugh. He really started the “feel free to be hateful and racist…especially in public and on the radio”.

i like to think they are both dead…

These are awful looking fellows are what’s commonly known as Traitors!!!

And oh how proud they are!


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