Two mice fighting in london

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This looks like the final scene of an awesome mouse movieโ€ฆ

This has to be one of the best posts I’ve seen generally. Why is this so good??

The Stuart Little reboot looks tight.

I saw a couple of mice eating bits of fresh vomit on a tube platform in London. My photo was nowhere near as nice as this one…

Mercutio and Tybalt, in dramatic mouse form.

Itโ€™s wild cuz theyโ€™re not in the wild but theyโ€™re wild. Wild.

Battle of the heroes, mouse version. Anakin Squeakwalker fights Obi Wan Kenobrie for the fate of the galaxy (bar of chocolate dropped under the bench)

Ohhhh they’re squaring up


*unhand me you bugger*

I remember a version of this photo where someone Photoshoped lightsabers on the mouse.

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Et tu, Stuart?


cor blimey mate what ye doing in my pockets

Great photo, not especially rennaissance-ey though.

I suppose that settles the “Stuart Little vs. Remy” debate.

This cant be real! Lol.. too good..
Is this the rat/mice version of Squid Game recruitment at the subway?

You just broke the first rule about mice club.

Show me one Renaissance painting that looks like this. Just one.

This is the best of 2025


Fiefel and Stuart little really scrapping there.

Fighting or dancing?

Splinter vs Spelk

Maybe itโ€™s a squetrix?

Just imagining their conversation like some shit from โ€œSnatchโ€ or โ€œLock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrelsโ€.

It looks like the cover of an epic.

Dancing, you mean

I thought they were dancing couple

Heโ€™s starting to believe.

And they were drunk.

r/AccidentalPixar ๐Ÿ˜€

โ€œI canโ€™t raise these turtles by myself, Linda!โ€

They banging. They ainโ€™t fighting.

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