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The woods are harder to debug

Anyone else with a third wolf who just wants to quickly build some SAAS shit and retire in the woods ?

another one who wants to never use software built by others again and build his own software.

I have to build software so I can eventually fuck off to the woods

what if i want to build software in a cabin in the woods?

Thanks to remote work, these two wolves can mate and make a cute little forest software wolf puppy.

Can you explain this large gap in activity on your github?

I thought I was alone.

Joke’s on you, I built a cabin in the woods and now I’m gonna build robots there.

I just want to build stuff all the time and make things nobody cares about. It brings me so much joy and keeps the brain healthy!

I feel this. In high school I wanted to be a programmer, so I took courses at my technical college. I got so turned off by it I decided to major in wildlife science in college. 

Anyways, I became a French teacher.

Until those 2 wolves combine 🫡

This is too real haha

I’ll cut both in half and put them together and just program in a cabin in the woods.

No wonder the one who wants to build software comes in darker shade

Me with AI.

Moon Moon enters the chat.

I’m tired of building software. Wen cabin.

Peaceful life in the forest? That would be amazing

Can confirm, have house in woods.
Minimal software development….


Yes, and they are taking turns being the tops every 15 minutes

I’m this close to quitting and building a shed and never opening a laptop again

1 who wants to write and travel


1 who wants to draw and play music. And travel

Lol every day. I live in one of those places where a 1 BR apartment is like 2400 a month, so I share a communal house with 12 people (it’s nice~ish though? Well if you get over the people pooping on the sidewalk). I have around 400k saved up but like, why and what for?

I think the answer to why I stay is I like my job, but I’m not sure if I should love myself or hate myself for that lol.

Literally this – I work for a software dev company, 2 years ago I bought 27 acres in the Adirondacks- anyone want to guess why?

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