typical maga supporter

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I love how people are both willing to believe that the goverment is both stupid and so clever as to be behind everything. Their is no deepstate. Just rich people trying to change the rules to suit themselfs. Soo if you do not like the rules…get enough support and change them.

And if you point it out, they call you a conspiracy theorist.

That is inaccurate.

The dick penetrates through the head.

Tim Pool is literally funded by the Russian Governmnet as one example

You see I dont buy that government propaganda, I exclusively get my information from real sources like…. another governments propaganda, from an even more shitty authoritarian state.

I agree with OP’s opinion so I upvote

You forgot to add that they love defending rape and sexual assault too.

than can probably be said for a lot of the parties on the right in Europe 

what I really want to know is, what happens when trump doesn’t expose or bring to light all the maga schitzo shit? Aliens, ufos, etc. What happens? do they just say he’ll do it next time? the same way they did after his first 4-years.

The real irony here is that they say the same thing about the left.


11 day old troll account with -6 karma

1 year old dedicated troll account with -100 karma

Isn’t there a minimum account age/karma for this sub?

We have a lot of coping MAGAS in this subreddit. Its beutiful to drink their tears.

Maga coworker was upset when YouTube stopped hosting RT…..he wants to hear both sides….. coincidentally spouts Russian talking points as to why we shouldn’t support Ukraine.

I love how you can describe the Russian program to destabilize the west through online misinformation as “so stupid it works”.

Lazerpig is a liberal for sure

Both sides are fully problematic.

I wonder who the left thinks was pushing the Genocide Joe and Palestinian narratives?

No one who blindly follows a party is an independent so there’s that. Most people follow parties based of certain beliefs. Go ahead to these other countries you scream to help. Ukraine, Middle East. Both strongly disagree with LGBTQ views. Most actual republicans couldn’t truly care less they want SMALLER GOVERNMENT. So no, idiots sorry they aren’t “Putin” lovers or supporters. Rome would largely be considered Democratic if a comparison would be drawn yes? Okay they killed people all day long having gay orgies. It’s not about sides democrats laughing at this you are no different. I just lean right. Hitler, Stalin, Putin they’re nationalists (Hitler also had race and ethnicity but he treated the other countries like crap and took everything for Germany) but in all he would still also be classified from there as a nationalists.

You libs are the 8diots that believed the Russian dozier. Even after it was proven that Hillary had it all made up you’re still believing it.

Governments are always a small number of conspirators and vast majority stupid bureaucrats. The conspirators are relatively smarter than the rest, sometimes very smart but unnecessary. How is that difficult to understand?

Remember governments are humans, average humans at the best, but more often morally below the average because of the nature of politics. In terms of function in the society, the government is always the necessary evil.

This post should get the Golden Pager award!!!

There is no such thing as “mainstream media” anymore. It’s called legacy media. And it’s dead for a while bunch of reasons, the biggest being that people don’t need them anymore due to the web and citizen reporters doing a much better job than “trained professionals”, who have traded their credibility for whatever and they’ll never get it back.

Ugh, my friend has all these weird points that make no sense, all for him to share his source: good ol tim pool. Gosh dang it man…

How does that work when you become the government

Russia gate, covid 19, muller report, hunters laptop, ukraine dealing, China dealings, fbi having 26 agent in crowd on Jan 6th.

But I get funny contrarian buzzy feeling.


So is the Trump supporter spewing Russian propaganda, or consuming it? Both?

Both lie to you everyday sorry you have no critical thinking skills

Pretty unreal how dumb the people in this sub are.

What Russian propaganda is out there currently? I havent really followed any news lately.

Yes, but extreme leftism is also Russian propaganda lmao

Russians are gonna lose any moment right? That’s why the Ukrainians are deserving in mass, because they’re winning so much, English swine.

I could make a similar meme just with a leftist eating up whatever the mainstream media says. Also what Russian propaganda do rightwingers even believe. 

I mean… Yeah, it’s the right now, but let me remind you that for YEARS it was the left.

Check your facts, fellas.

Unironic redditor delusion echo chamber #3138

Now create the exact same picture but change the MAGA hat to a Biden one. And put REDDIT in big bold letters where is says Russian propaganda.

Am I doing this right?

Okay, sure, but this is only factually accurate.

1972 called and wants their argument back.

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