U.S. Soldiers playing Xbox video games in Saddam Hussein’s palace in Tikrit Iraq, November 12, 2003

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I wonder if they’re playing Call of Duty

An interesting comment from the same post 2 years ago:

If you’re lazy, here is the comment:

To clarify, the Xbox didn’t belong to Saddam. By this point, US troops were already occupying Saddam’s palaces, in an area that would eventually become known as the Green Zone. Troops would bring in their own TVs, games, and even electric guitars.

I feel this needs to be clarified because I get the sneaky suspicion that pics like these are designed to imply that US troops just crashed on Saddam’s couch and played his games. Even in war there are just some lines you don’t cross, and you don’t play another man’s Xbox without his permission.

Imagine the trash talk, ‘My tank’s got better K/D ratio than yours noob. Lol

Did they take an Xbox with them or was it Saddam’s Xbox?

Is that how he would unwind after a hard days genocide?

Probably GTA Vice City, as it was the most popular Xbox game at that moment in time

Getty images

Joe mothefuckin Raedle?

Halo with the boys

Take your shoes off dude

Dude in the back has some really sad eyes.

It’s Halo.

That game was in every barracks at that time. I’d imagine it was in Saddam’s house as well.

Is this where the WMD’s were kept?

how shameful . the whole invasion was .

Digital copies in those days. Saddam kept all of his games in Iraq.

They’re playing ape escape (Hussein modded his xbox)

Those are some handsome boots your man’s got on there. What are they?

Cue the internet trying to track down Saddams Animal Crossing save game.

The wildest thing to me is I was still a kid at that point, but these guys aren’t that much older than me. Funny how fleeting childhood is, and how the difference of a handful of years can make.

why they invade iraq?

This is real war crime, having Xbox instead of PS2

that couch is in bo6 in saddam’s palace.

No fucking way

That level of concentration smells like Madden

They’re playing their mission

I bet they were playing Runescape Classic on console.

I brought guitar hero with me to Iraq in 2004 and taught little Iraqi kids how to play. I was stationed at Udays palace lol

Is that a wireless adapter on the controller?

This was his personal Vietnam

I hope they erased all his saves.

I would have pocketed so much loot.

Look at this dude in the middle.

He’s not watching the game – he’s trying to figure out how to get this gold off the couch.

Playing Halo

They were playing Jet Set Radio Future.

It was the only game in Saddam’s collection, for some reason.

Did no one here actually serve during this time? yeah we all took systems with us. halo was the most popular game because of multiplayer and more often then not was set up for lan parties. I took my PS2 mostly for playing movies and then we had soul caliber going most of the time.

It’s funny when our guys do it

So did they find the WMDs in the game?


American terrorists gets less shit than they should get.

Why would they be in Woodland camo in Iraq?

Does Kremlin have xbox?

I was wondering if it was connected via scart or composite

My ex brother in law was a marine who took part in raiding the palace.

He said there were rooms filled with unopened gifts/boxes of perfumes/fragrances, electronics etc

He brought back unopened silk shirts and a couple of jewel encrusted goblets. Pretty wild.

What are they playing now? Begging on the streets maybe.

I was at the same palace compound, probably ran into these guys at some point.

My uncle was there.

How come dictators never understand the importance of soft lighting?

You can’t dictate your way to class.

What a terrifying image, the Americans are going to kill us all one of these days.


Are we sure he’s not maneuvering a submarine instead?

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