U.S. Space Force quietly released the first ever in-orbit photo from its highly secretive Boeing’s X-37 space plane

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“Highly secretive Boeing X-37”

*googles it, finds hundreds of pictures and articles on it

This is a real photograph from a highly elliptical orbit: [https://www.space.com/space-force-x-37b-1st-photo-from-orbit-earth](https://www.space.com/space-force-x-37b-1st-photo-from-orbit-earth)

Other online versions of that photo would place the Earth slightly closer, but not by much. It is safe to assume that the specific lens was chosen to accentuate the distance.


Google Universe calls it: ‘The Outer Space of America’

Uh, that’s pretty fucking high for a “space plane”

That’s a fucking spaceship.

You’re right. Front page of The Aviationist, Space.com, Florida Today, The War Zone and The US Sun is quite silent 😉

Brilliant decision to disguise the space plane as Earth


Looks like Spaceball One orbiting Earth.

Am I losing my mind? What landmass is that? It’s similarly shaped to Africa, but it’s not quite right, nor does the desert look to be the right portions of the landmass.

We can only guess what they are up to. But my guess lots and lots of tests. This is actually kind of flex from the space force, like check out this view from the ultimate high ground China/Russia

Solar panels? Those are what those hippy liberals use isn’t it?

See? Its clearly flat.


From here you can barely see how much we hate each other.

I’m no space expert. But that’s really far away right? Comparing to low earth orbit and other views we usually get from space launches. I wonder what they are doing.

How did the pilot manage to dangle their Samsung Galaxy S that far to take this? Perhaps a selfie stick? Technology, man. Wow.

Hopefully that Boeing is better than the ones in earth

Uhh, that perspective is not in orbit. Thats practically on the moon

Unmanned…inside the Van Allen Belt… wake me later when something new happens..

It is in an elliptical orbit so it gets far away then closed on the back side of the orbit.

That’s quite far out there.

Seems a little far away from earth if you ask me.

Earth looks like an 🥚 from this so called secret space craft

The plane itself isn’t so much the secret part. It’s what it’s doing exactly up there.

There is no way a Boeing got that high without something falling off.

Let’s hope it’s not the X37 Max.

Since this is a Boeing is it safe to assume it’s now stuck up there?

The fuck is it orbiting, the moon?

Damn, that’s quite a ways away from the Earth, much further than the shuttles flew.

If it’s boeing I ain’t going

Waiting for the “tHaTs aLl cGi” crowd

That seems a high orbit ? much higher than the ISS

Geoguessr players be like: I think I know where this pic was taken

I’m no spaceologist, but shouldn’t it be possible based on the size of the Earth in the photo and the size of the ship’s visible components used for scale, to determine the distance fromEarth, and thereby the exact orbit of this ship?

Good thing it got an Earth pic from straight on and not one of the edge!

Those poor bastards are gonna be stranded as well

Dun dun dudaladun dudaladadadada

This is actual a photo from inside when one of the doors randomly blew off

That’s one hell of an orbit

Maybe they should use it to help those astronauts they got stuck in space ?

If by quietly you mean they put it up on their website, yeh.

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