Ugliest Cybertruck I’ve ever seen.

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Looks like a cyber hearse

I honestly think it looks better with the cap. Still ugly as F though.

It’s a hearse

I actually think it looks better than the original. Seems more useful too

I drew that truck 35 years ago when I was 8 years old. It was supposed to look like my Dad’s Ford, though

This looks better to be honest.

Welp, they did it. They actually made it worse.


It’s a 1980s Nissan pulsar. The Nissan pulsar came with a regular trunk, and then you could buy a separate trunk that turned it into a square back

It looks like the early 80s Dustbuster

All politics aside, the people who buy those are the cankered anal folds of car consumers. What a useless, hideous piece of shit.

I assume this is the same one I saw on PCH ( Seal Beach area ) last weekend, where I thought the exact same thing.

i find it actually less bad then the original

Am I a fascist because I kind of dig it? Also love the VW beetle. God god. I must be secretly killing minorities.

It’s like a cybertruck and a Pontiac aztek had a horrible baby

Ugliest Cybertruck you’ve ever seen… so far.

i can’t believe people look at it and go “this looks good, i’m gonna spend $80,000 on it”

So far… 

This is an atrocity…

Whoah, they make a camper shell for those?

I think I drew a picture of this in 1978 and title it “future car.”  I was like 7 years old. 

I like it. The rear hatch should have a window though.

Amazing. And here I was thinking that the standard cybertruck was the ugliest vehicle ever made.

There is one local to me that is pepto-bismol pink 🤢

It’s strange because with it’s more rectangular shape it should look more like a regular truck, but…


The CyberHearse


If this truck is a rockin’…seriously stay away it might be about to blow up.

Ever since someone showed me a picture of a dumpster that looked like a tesla i can’t unsee it lol

I knew they could get uglier. Lol.

Got that ‘88 Nissan Pulsar NX vibe

Imagine thinking “I need an exotic electric truck” and not picking the Hummer EV lol

In a sense, I think it actually looks a little better because it looks like it’s more practical. That said, I think I’d want to have a bunch of cams pointing out in all directions because the visibility looks like it would be s***.

Thats actually pretty cool. Up armored mech armadillo

“Can’t polish a turd.” – Eric during my freshman year in college.

Intentional phallic license plate obfuscstion? If so, kudos. It works.

The shell isn’t the worst part of the truck either. If it was color matched it may actually work. Or turn the inside into a solar oven.

I didn’t think it was possible to make a Cyberstuck look worse than it is right off the factory floor, but here we are.

it reminds me of the cars in the first robocop movie… hahaha

kinda looks like a car that would be in Twisted Metal or Vigilante back in the day. if you know you know

Hahaha wtf man

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