UHC’s New CEO Wants To Continue The Legacy.

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Doubling down. The arrogance of these people.

Unnecessary care that the health insurance company considers unnecessary. Meanwhile, the doctors and everybody else who actually understand what they’re doing can believe that it is totally necessary. But they don’t have the purse strings. So fuck them. The insurance company’s going to do what it wants


Putting my thinking cap on… I’d say that they were practicing medicine… determining whether something is unnecessary, sounds an awwwwful lot like a second opinion or diagnosis…


I wonder if there are any laws against that….

Take you “unnecessary care” and shove it up your ass. We’re not talking about luxury items here…this is fucking HEALTHCARE. No one is trying to scam the fucking hospitals by volunteering for uncomfortable/painful/annoying procedures. I promise you, I’m not trying to get poked and prodded and cut open because it’s fucking fun, you greedy shit stains.

God I hate this fucking country.

P.S. For all you morons replying with some version of “but, but SOME people do this”, please remove your head from your ass and try thinking critically for just 5 seconds. I guaran-fucking-tee you the amount of money/time/medical resources wasted by “hypochondriacs” and uh, “lonely people” are a drop in the bucket compared to all the healthcare being denied to legitimate patients with very real issues.

These very rich assholes are literally ruining people’s lives, if not outright killing them with these draconian policies that only serve to further enrich the elite.

Consider this: UHC has 52 millions customers. They deny a whopping 32% of their claims, which would be nearly 17 million people getting denied for NECESSARY healthcare. Even if some tiny percent of these people are so-called hypochondriacs, that’s a bit of a gross overcorrection, wouldn’t you say?

Luigi’s Gone, I Guess We Need Mario Now!

We need to guard against unnecessary CEOs

Next time, don’t go for the CEO, take on the board of directors.

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Anyone pretty surprised that things like this somehow made it to Fox?

I’ll never understand how it got to the point that insurance was allowed to dictate over dr orders

lol, have fun with that

Need a system whereas the doctor and patient are the ones that deem a treatment necessary. Not an insurance company, and donโ€™t go saying โ€œbut the insurance companies hire providers to help in decision makingโ€ as there are just paid to meet quotas, not treat patients.

Homeboy got a death wish.

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Pretty bold of him cause he’s still out there

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They don’t care about millions of people suffering or dying. They don’t care about not fulfilling their contractual or tacit agreements with their customers. Do you really think 1, just 1, of their own dying is going to change their course?

Is sad that the medical systems works on profit instead of actually caring for people you know?

I don’t understand why an insurance company gets to make this call. Doctors go through many years of schooling to know what is needed for the body, and some guy who went to business school seems to know what a personโ€™s body needs better than a doctor. WTF!

We need a heavy hand here from the government! This of control.

Be a shame if this were to upset millions of Americans currently denied by their insurers….

how many CEOs do they have left anyway?

This is a class war. They are releasing statements like this because they consider it us vs them and they despise us. They see us cheering for their comrades death and they want to strike back.

Well they would rather have a war than make changes so I guess more of them will be getting the Luigi treatment. Exciting times to be a peasant.

Looking forward to this next UHO CEO getting it pronto lol

Btw his name is Andrew witty. Here is a wiki page with lots of information on him https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Witty we should all spread his name so that we can send him well written letters of disapproval, maybe even give him an eye message.

And it seems no lessons were learned.

Paying tens of millions to CEOs to incentivize them to deny claims seems like unnecessary care to me

โ€œOof, Iโ€™m sorry, but body guards arenโ€™t covered by your policy. Being a POS is a preexisting conditionโ€

Boardrooms not classrooms

ROUND 2!!!!

I think the real issue here is unnecessary CEOs. Any ideas how we can fix that ?

Are these the death panels they warned us about?

Here’s the video: https://x.com/kenklippenstein/status/1865168652095639586

Remarks start at about 1:25 in. But it’s crazy in its entirety.

Edit: This guy is either stone-cold, disillusional or stupid. At this point I’d be afraid that another guy with little or nothing left to lose will just gun me down to keep the ball rolling.

The working class is trapped in a brutal cycle of exploitation and disposability. From the moment they enter the workforce, they are forced to accept low wages, poor benefits, and exhausting conditions, all while generating immense profits for the wealthy. Their labor is extracted until their bodies are worn downโ€”often prematurely due to stress, overwork, and inadequate healthcare access.

As they age and become less โ€œprofitableโ€ to the system, they are discarded. When healthcare is most needed, they are met with claim denials, exorbitant medical bills, and insurance loopholes designed to maximize corporate profits at the cost of human lives. Seniors are left to fend for themselves, dying from treatable conditions because they are deemed too expensive to keep alive.

Meanwhile, their childrenโ€”the next generationโ€”are funneled into the same exploitative system. From underfunded schools to predatory student loans, young workers are primed to replace their parents in low-wage, high-demand jobs. The cycle ensures a steady stream of labor while keeping families perpetually poor, overworked, and dependent on systems rigged against them.

This is not an accidentโ€”itโ€™s by design. Capitalism thrives on this churn, where humans are treated as disposable cogs in a machine that values profit over life. To break this cycle, we must demand a system that prioritizes the well-being of people, not corporations.

Replace “care” with “death”.

Sorry but what the hell is considered โ€œunnecessary care?!โ€

Thatโ€™s a statement for the shareholders.

Heโ€™s saying all lives are expendable, even their own.

Everyone can be a Luigi. All it takes is that one thing to make you snap.

Time for round 2

Have they no public relations department or are they so arrogant that there is no point in trying to dress up their evil?

Huh….apparently the message wasn’t received.

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

damn new guy in a week? Donโ€™t take work so seriously. You are disposable and if you die your job will be posted the next mf day

Huge opportunity for anybody named Mario


The Hero We Need


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