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He’s gonna die (and you with him in the plane crash) because some company or government agency doesn’t want that getting out.

Dumb people think engines that run on water exist but the government keeps killing the inventors

That doesn’t make sense. If it runs on water, then water is the fuel. 

I believe the joke is that if a person were to have invented this car then “they” would take him out by crashing the plane.

I think this is saying someone who invents something like an engine that runs on water or a cure for cancer or anything that would challenge the current balance of power will be killed.

Leo found out the guy next to him invented a water fuelled engine, and he’s figuring out he’s probably on a doomed flight.

“My car works with nuclear fusion! It magnetically suspends elemental deuterium in a chamber, then performs a fusion reaction to generate heat, which turns water into steam that turns a turbine…”

“I heard about this guy who invented a car that runs on water, man! It’s got a fiberglass, air-cooled engine and it runs on water!”

To add to what others are saying, it is not possible to get energy directly from water. You can seoarate the oxygen amd hydrogen tk make rocket fuel, but that process involes putting in a lot more energy than what you get out of it, and it always will. You can’t cheat entropy and thermodynamics. If anyone says they can create mire energy thatn what they out in, it is a lie. Same with perpetual motion machines.

It’s funny because historically people who create revolutionary technology that upsets the current economic system are killed. Since the guy’s got a hit on his head, the plane’s going down and all of the passengers will likely perish

cia assassinations

That 70s show reference? Haha

I just thought it was because he realized he sat down next to a crazy person for a several hour flight!

This technology is being taught in STEAM programs in schools across the country. https://www.horizoneducational.com/h2gp-horizon-hydrogen-grand-prix-amazing-steam-program/t1199?currency=usd

And then I remembered basic chemistry and the potential energy density of water compared to gasoline and realized I was fine.

I gotta get off this plane!!!

I know a boat that “run” on water …

It’s gonna be a loooong flight

Who is John Galt?

Water injection is actually a thing, but the water is not really a fuel in that circumstance, but rather it’s added to the air-fuel mixture to improve compression, increase power output, or reduce premature detonation. Supposedly my great grandfather built such an engine in 1925, and travelled from Winnipeg to Minneapolis on a single tank, but i can’t find any proof of it.

Thats 70s show

A “That 70s Show” reference, maybe?

Is this a “That ‘70s Show” reference?!

There is a conspiracy that some guy who claimed to have invented an engine that runs on water was killed by American Automakers. The unfortunate reality is that it is impossible to run an engine on water, it will always take more energy to split water than you can gain from making it. The guy also had mental and heart health issues, apparently in the last weeks of his life he had a mental health episode and stopped taking his heart medication. He died of a heart attack.

Note: It’s been I while since I read up about this story, so some of my details might be wrong.

The joke is that the plane is going to be targeted because that guy is on it.

Oh no 😔

iirc there was one in the 60s that did but ran very slow?

Isn’t that just a steam engine?

That plane is gonna crash.

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