Ukraine’s Mariana Betsa urges UN to end Russian invasion today in NY; US and Russia voted against.

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the whole world

USA: “We are working with the Russians currently to END THIS WAR. You heard us, Ukraine doesn’t want to END THIS WAR, they want to keep going”

*ukraine holds vote to end war in the UN assembly*

USA: “We do not want this war to end. Only if you give us $500 billion dollars.”

Trump said he could end this in 24 hours…. On the campaign trail he said he could end this war before he even took office….

I feel so embarrassed that I am living in a country that is so clearly on the wrong side of history right now. This is terrible.

When else has the US been so low globally?

Trump bragged he would end the war in Ukraine, then had the US vote to not end the war in Ukraine. I’m going to act surprised, like we all don’t know Trump is a Russian asset.

The United States has been fighting Russia for years.

Russia won. They won by exploiting strong protections for free speech combined with weak anti-corruption measures in the United States.

This is what losing a war looks like.

Jesus fuck



Russia won the cold war. They have the US president as their little bitch and he does whatever Putin says.

US elected a traitor. Plain and simple.

How can Americans not feel ashamed by this ? Years and years, countless deaths and all that for nothing .. just for that orange cult leader kiss Russia in the ass

“Peace president”

So lemme get this right..supreme tangerine says he will end it on day one..30ish days later our country votes to continue the war..hey canada i heard yer taking asylum seekers from U.S.?

Has a single day gone by, since this orange moron sat down in office, that the US wasn’t a massive embarrassment and shit stain?

what an embarrassment. USA states they want to end the war, votes against it. I hope this admin completely tears itself apart.


I am seething and ashamed at this!

Frighteningly real evidence that trump has partnered with putin. I know it feels fruitless but we all have to respond with at least a call to our senators, governors & representatives, even if they’ve only shown allegiance to trump

Wake up MAGA. Trump is a weak loser.

Ah, we’re voting with Putin now. Great.

So there goes the idiotic “anti-war” argument dipshit Trumpers have been vomiting out. The obvious problem is that they don’t care about facts and will STILL keep making the objectively disproven argument.

The Executive branch is committing treason…

I hate my country men so much. Bastards care more about cheap eggs and culture war bullshit than actual principles. Morons didn’t even get cheap eggs.

Repeat after me: Trump works for Putin.

This is just so awful. I can’t believe my country voted this monster in

Don’t look now but Trump has made us part of the evil empire.

USSA and Russia are scum.

What exactly was the UN’s plan to end the invasion if the resolution had passed?

As an american, i apologise

This is so embarrassing and incredibly terrifying

Weird how Israel seems to be consistency left off of the list of nations who voted against Ukraine. Ukraine being one of the largest populations of Jewish people in Europe.

UN headquarters can be moved to the EU somewhere I suppose?

So, USA is run by Russian operative and Nazi wannabe and US citizens coming Reddit and saying they are embarrassed. Bro now your country is on the losing side, why don’t you react?

I’d say kick out ruzzia and us out of all the world decisions

Ruzzia will obviously vote against it. And the us has become a key player for russia and no one else in this matter. Too much blood spilled in a full scale war that should not of started in the first place back in 2014 with the illegal annexation of Crimea 🇺🇦

….only 6 weeks in…….what bizarre thing will Trump do tomorrow?

Fuck Russia

So did Israel

Not surprising, is anyone paying attention? Putin certainly is. 

The shame that will last generations.

Invaders and fascists voted against pulling together to end and invasion by the former? Color me surprised

Say one thing. Do the other thing.


Puppets gotta pup.




Murica! Pals with Putin.

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