Unbearable heat in motel room, please help me turn off these heaters!

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Unbearable heat in motel room, please help me turn off these heaters!
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Unbearable Heat in Motel Room: "Can We Turn Off These Heaters?!"

As you step into your motel room, you’re greeted by a scorching blast of heat that makes you feel like you’re walking into a furnace. You quickly slap on the thermostat, only to find that the settings are locked or non-existent. Your eyes scan the room, hoping to spot a simple on/off switch or a temperature control device, but to no avail. You’re left feeling frantically frustrated, yearning for a respite from the sweltering heat.

The Unbearable Heat Syndrome

Summer is here, and with it comes the sweltering temperatures that make even the most minor tasks feel like an Olympic feat. For travelers and city dwellers alike, the heat can be debilitating, making it challenging to relax, sleep, or even think straight. In this scenario, a motel room becomes an oven, a space where the heat becomes almost unbearable. And it’s not just about the discomfort; it’s about the health risks associated with prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures.

Symptoms of Heat Stress

When temperatures rise, the human body reacts in various ways. Here are a few common symptoms of heat stress:

  1. Headaches: The most common symptom, headaches can range from mild to excruciating.
  2. Fatigue: It’s common to feel exhausted, as if you’ve been running a marathon, but you’re still standing still.
  3. Dizziness: Standing up or changing positions can become a chore, leaving you lightheaded and disoriented.
  4. Sweating: When it’s hot, your body sweats excessively to cool down, leading to dehydration and skin irritation.

What’s a Guest to Do?

So, what can you do when faced with an unbearable heat in a motel room? Here are a few tips to help you beat the heat:

  1. Look for the staff: Flag down a staff member or call them on the phone to report the issue. They may be able to adjust the AC or provide a fan or a portable air conditioner.
  2. Use alternative cooling methods: Close all windows, curtains, and doors to keep the sun’s rays out. Open windows at night to let in the cool air, then close them before the day starts.
  3. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, and consider packing a refillable water bottle into your travel bag.
  4. Take cooler breaks: If possible, take short trips to nearby parks or shaded areas to cool down and recharge.
  5. Be prepared to switch motels: If the heat is truly unbearable, it might be time to look for alternative accommodations with better climate control.


In conclusion, intolerable heat in a motel room can be a challenging and frustrating experience. By understanding the symptoms of heat stress, recognizing the importance of staying hydrated, and employing alternative cooling methods, you can cope with the discomfort. Remember, it’s not just about the heat; it’s about your health and well-being. So, the next time you find yourself in a sweltering motel room, don’t hesitate to speak up and ask for a solution. Who knows? A simple switch or adjustment might just be the lifeline you need to cool down and enjoy your stay.

Yes, I talked to the front desk, and all heating in every room is controlled by a centralized temperature system that will not be turned down.

I have the windows open, the AC on max, the fridge wide open and I am still sweating buckets. I cannot take it anymore.

I live in Canada, I have minimal tools, 3 of these heaters, and I am willing to do just about anything to turn these off. Thankfully there's no screws on the outside of 2 of them so please, any advice will help!!!

Thank you!

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