Undertaker looks down at Mankind after he chokes slams him, unscripted, through the top of the cell

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He’s lucky to be alive.

This will always remind me of shitty morph

lol at everyone checking usernames first in this thread.

how often does this happen? did undertaker get in trouble?


Was this in nineteen ninety eight?

Reminds me of that time….

The whole match was brutal. Mick Foley was a force back then


This photo looks like a shot from a video game.

I thought OP was shittymorph.

Such a classic, iconic match.

I still donโ€™t believe it was unscripted. The roof in that section was zip tied together. Still an epic moment.ย 

I was at this. Can see myself on YouTube when he throws him off the side the first time. This was when he threw him through the cage.

I’ve never seen anything like it since.

Mankind went beyond what he needed to do. I watched the interview with The Undertaker where he talked about this match.

Watching it live was something else.

People who call it “fake”, don’t understand that the stunts are real.

The punishment these men put their bodies through for our entertainment is legendary. So many of them were my heroes as a kid, they deserve more of the money Vince made off their broken backs.

Mick Foley is my favorite wrestler of all time. Early on in his career Mick was homeless and lived out of his car while taking any wrestling gig he could get on the indie circuits. People told him over and over that he would never make it as a wrestler. What they didnโ€™t know is that Mick Foley was a very special type of wrestler, one that weโ€™ve never seen since.

Mick Foley isnโ€™t the strongest or particularly athletic and he sure as hell didnโ€™t fit the look of a wrestler. But he had three things going for him: an unshakable drive to succeed, an unfathomably high pain threshold and strong talent for acting.

Mick was the guy you called when you had a match no one on their right mind would take. Barbed wire? Call Mick. Nails? Call Mick. Someone needs to be thrown off a giant cage? Call Mick. Mick did all of this all under the guise of his various characters and he did it with flair.

Mick was the perennial underdog. People forget that when Mankind debuted in the WWE, he was a heel. He was supposed to be seen as repulsive and gross. But Mick used his talent for characters to bring a manic, unhinged charm to his promos and his matches. Mankind quickly went from a supposed heel to a beloved antihero. In a way he did Stone Cold before Stone Cold.

It never mattered that Mick didnโ€™t look the part or couldnโ€™t do all the high flying acrobatics; when he was on camera, he was a fucking star. Not to mention that he gave us arguably the most electrifying moment in wrestling with the Heโ€™ll in the Cell match. He may have been thrown dozens of feet to the ground but what he really did was smash right through to all of our hearts.

He was really really really hoping he hadn’t killed him. To this day, Mark is still in awe of what Mick was willing to do.

Mankind > Undertakerย 

Mick Foley has been through a lot, I’m astounded that he can still walk.

The plan was for Foley to get thrown off, but the impact he took was drastically under predicted. The cage toss wasn’t fully thought out and Foley wasn’t supposed to go through the roof of the cage, it legitamently broke. Basically the spot went worse than expected.

“I killed my friend! I killed my friend! I… may have killed my friend! I may have killed my friend!”

I remember watching this match and thought ” holy shit mankind is dead”. Same thing when he was thrown off the cage onto the announcer’s table. I kind of miss watching wrestling.

And he came back for more. Mick Fowley is the best wrestler of all time.

Being chokeslammed through Hell in a Cell was scripted. It breaking through on the first slam instead of needing five or six slams was not.

Source: [Mick Foley himself.](https://youtu.be/Pl2m9exy4lU?si=iIbesvdneWgATDoX&t=817)

I remember meeting Mick Foley years ago, and his line had died down and he was just hanging around to chat. I told him how incredible this match was as a kid, and thanked him for literally putting his body on the line for my entertainment. One of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

Mick Foley might be the toughest SOB alive

Does anyone have the copypasta for this? I remember seeing it somewhere but I canโ€™t find it anymore

I remember taler saying to foley:โ€œI thought you were deadโ€œ

There’s a nice “meeting years later” video of Undertaker and Mankind in wich the talk about that fight. And yes, the white thing hanging in Mankind’s nose is actually a tooth that dug through his skin after he fell down that cage. Those two are still my favorite wrestlers of all time.

well theres one person we know will not post in this thread

“Don’t let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table”

That copypasta is the basis of my relationship lol.
I had it at the end of my dating profile and my partner was the only one to ever ask about it.

We explained it to Mick Foley several years later, we got to meet him, and his comment was…”Isn’t Reddit really mean?”

Mick Foley rationalized the true reality of wrestling that some people could believe. His sacrifice was a work of art through pain, and for that, we thank you Mick!

Heโ€™ll be fine. Itโ€™s not like he was thrown off the cage and into a table 3 minutes before that.

Never enjoyed wrestling. But that match was tremendous.

Unscripted? Mankind and undertaker talked about it, the cage was held together with zip ties for this purpose.

My favorite story from this night is when terry funk comes out to check on him taker ask terry to check if heโ€™s still alive terry goes to check his pulse. Goes back to taker they go to do the choke slam spot terry says yeah heโ€™s still alive and he takes the choke slam spot

It was Mic Foley’s dumb idea.ย 

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