Unique Individual

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ā€œThatā€™s certainly one way to deny itā€ was both funny and true.

Maga keeps posting pictures of Kamala Obama and Hillary doing the ā€œsame thingā€ and itā€™s just embarrassing. Like we saw the musk video, itā€™s hard to defend what he did

Rememebr when the US used to kill Nazis instead of giving them positions in the executive branch? Peperridge farm remembers

For those curious about the context behind the “Kamala did it too” meme, [here’s the video it came from](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GE0jmgGF0yk&t=2164s).

comment image?s=594×594&w=gi&k=20&c=rPkhJT4BADR4HsvaE7zCrwrgr2p9JP9o7bxzl11Cccs=

Hardly that uniqueā€¦

He is uniquely stupid

Here’s another angle of the salute: [https://youtu.be/qDRYi1IYI2o?feature=shared&t=35](https://youtu.be/qDRYi1IYI2o?feature=shared&t=35)

well .. he’s an unique individual in a kind of way, reich ?

His ā€œIā€™m taking a huge shitā€ face while doing it, really turns up the 12 year old edgelord energy.

I bet it gave Stephen Miller a chubby when he did it.

Bet he doesnā€™t have the balls to do that in Germany.

Hitler was just being a little silly

It’s unfortunate that it will hurt electric vehicle adoption, but I’m excited for other companies to get a second chance at this market.

Didn’t the media eat Howard Dean alive for far less worst?

this is the year 2025.

if one is over 18 (or 21) or whatever,

does this, they should lose that arm.

lesson learned, deliberate or not.

Not that unique during WW2…

“This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause”

It never ends here

Just like the orange ninconputz too much intelligence for the average person, Iā€™m aghast

No need for a publicist if you can outpay all the benefits of a publicist

Heil shitler

Unfortunately we can not make the” I did Nazi this comming…” wordplay for this.

Nothing unique or individual about being a Nazi. They are all cunts and they never Nazi as hard as they do when there’s more than one of them.

when my cousin started saying this fucker is smart and innovative I blocked him. I don’t think I’m ever going to unblock him.

not unique at all, I know at least 1 very famous person who is known for doing the same movement

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