United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s final KD ratio (7,652,103:1) lands him among the all time greats

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Live your life in a way that leaves no ambiguity about whether your untimely death is a good thing or a bad thing, guys.

That ratio must have taken years of hard work and dedication

“I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” — Clarence Darrow

I’d love for someone to start leaking the internal company slack messages right now.

I was shopping for healthcare plans when this dude got smoked. I immediately eliminated UHC. His death has already benefited my family.

Rich people can’t treat everyone so badly while also making it so easy for everyone to kill them

Dude went out like an NPC on *Legendary Difficulty*. 🎮



Dude had dark matter camo on day 1.


A massive man hunt is under way

I wouldn’t give that hero up for anything

Live your life in a way where people don’t make jokes and dance when you die LOL I guess this man failed at that but you know thoughts and prayers.

who’s next?

Healthcare reform one bullet at a time.

Political advertising has really done a number on our common sense when it comes to healthcare as americans. They rally against government health care.Because people want to have freedom of choice within the very system that we use doesn’t have freedom of choice.It is totally unaccountabecause we can’t vote against the people who monitor our health care.

It’s so bad.I have a co-worker who is constantly saying things opposed to government.Run healthcare at the same time.The healthcare he uses is Tri-Care. Which is eligible for because of his military service.

Meanwhile the insurance that our company provides is united healthcare.

What is KD?

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“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”

not american can someone explain why his k/d is so high

I teach piano lessons and the only clients who ever stiff me are the really wealthy ones. It’s insane, they really think they are above the rules or in my case the contract they signed with me and they don’t think I deserve respect because I’m technically beneath them. This is why people are getting fed up with them. The next time I hear it’s your fault you’re poor I’m going to bring up that fact.

Fuck him.

How’s the number calculated?

Word for word, taken from a twitter post

This company has hundreds of lawsuits regarding how they deny claims. They have powerful law firms to defend them while the customers do not. They method is to drag the case thru the courts until the customer run out of money.30% is the rejection rate for claims which is the highest in the industry.

Kaiser denial rate is 7% compared to UH 38% denial rate

He represents the corporate greed of our privatized healthcare system. It’s not right that someone got murdered, but it shows that Americans are sick and tired of being abused when we need social services the most.

Not sad,
Sad for the families that he fuc***ed

the time has come to EAT THE RICH

Fuck this guy

Fuck this dude

Ding-Dong, the BITCH is dead.

I have no sympathy for people who live high on the hog off the graves of millions.

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