Universal healthcare now

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this is most likely a reference to the book https://delaydenydefend.com/ “Delay, Deny, Defend : Why Insurance Companies Don’t Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It.”

Edit: fixed the link I’m a twit

Imagine being so hated, your death beings universal joy. I hope people start rethinking their life as these ceos

Scrooge got ghosts. most people get nothing but the cries of the masses. it’s sad.

Apparently what the US needed was a reverse batman. Who’d have thought? 

Brian did the impossible yesterday, he managed to unified American people once again!

The mass shootings in the US have never made sense to me. Committing violence against defenseless children, moviegoers, etc, always just seemed so pointless for the sad, the depressed and the unseen.

Of course, those are soft targets. You have to wonder if people will decide between dying a monster or a folk hero now.

Well he was a CEO for a couple of years, so denied for preexisting condition.

Man, I’m old, does nobody remember the Red Army Faction? They terrorized German CEOs for years.

Was the CEO’s ambulance charge to the hospital covered?

Too soon? 😪

Honestly, no matter how this goes, this is sorta like when Shinzo Abe died and most people ended up cheering for the shooter.

the thing i love about all of this is that all the other “healthcare” CEO’s will be absolutely bricking it and they’ll all be desperate for protection now, looking over their shoulders till its their time

This dude ain’t even 6ft under yet and everyone’s already lined up to piss on his grave.

I’m nobody and I approve this message

I think that’s what the professionals call ” a clue” the longer this guy goes without being caught the more nervous someone out there is really starting to get. Not like “I’ve been diagnosed with cancer and I don’t know how I’m going to pay for it” kind of nervous. More like “we can’t let the other rabble and masses get the idea that this kind of protest is, advisable” kind of nervous.

Now, on a completely unrelated note, there’s also a certain cabinet full of billionaire felons, traitors, and sex offenders who are about to take power soon.

A full day later and the media is still afraid to call a duck a duck. Kids, this guy was murdered because he was the head of a company that make the lives of Americans miserable. It’s no coincidence it was done in NY ahead of their investor’s meeting. It’s a clear execution and the rest of the scumbags who profit off the misery of others should be on notice.

“dispatch”, “deceased”, “decompose”

Well we have trunk for president. Nothing is doing to get better. 

Take note CEOs! The people are fighting back finally

delete twitter


The reactions have been brutal. But I can’t think is a person less sympathetic than a health insurance CEO. His company has denied valid claims of hundreds of thousands of people. I wonder how many have died due to cost savings?

I’m 100% convinced that if the killer is caught, they are going to do everything to avoid a jury-trial cause there’s no way a jury can convict a guy who killed a monster known for taking pleasure in denying medical insurance claims.

If they catch this guy, he needs to be greeted by cheering crowds in front of every courthouse.


The super rich should just keep making things harder for the poor people. Seems like we are finally waking up and doing something about it

Brian- “God can I walk into heaven?”Customer Service Angel-“As per our policy, we don’t cover your type of scumbaggary, therefore denied.”

… I feel like this was more personal and less political now. Pretty sure this is more likely a now single father of 2 than a professional hit man

Police statement: Motive still unclear.

So they’re looking for a gun owner, who doesn’t like insurance companies or perhaps related medical profit makers, has some form of a revolutionary bent and it’s angry enough to go shoot a guy he’s probably never met before.

There, that narrows it down.

Grab the cutlery it’s time for a meal!

I’m glad this happened and I think it should happen more.

I hope they don’t catch him.

Seems like a cool dude, I’d have a beer with him.

I hope the killer wore gloves while writing that.

(edited for grammatical mistakes)

Gosh what if this creates a bunch of copycats incidents.

Damn, thoughts and deductibles🙏

That’s my kind of trickle-down economics!

[**Jim Cramer Bullish on UnitedHealth Group (UNH) After Trump Victory**](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jim-cramer-bullish-unitedhealth-group-213132535.html)

> Health insurers deserve to run, every one of them. I think the Republicans now have enough votes to get rid of whatever the health insurance deemed to be onerous about Obamacare. Huge win. I like United Health because it always does well anyway.

That’s a shame, looks like the CEO was in line for a fat bonus over the next 4 years

Can we start a GoFundMe to build a Time Machine to send this guy to Butler PA in, say, July 2024?

Did Thompson meet his deductible when he was in the hospital?


Brian Thompson indirectly is a mass murderer.

How many times can I upvote this guy for doing his civic duty?

Prayers for his awful wife. Hope she doesn’t get through this.

This person might not stop.

This guy is getting cooler by the minute.

Dude definitely has a family member or someone he holds dear that was denied a claim.

The chickens have come home to roost

Who gets shot when social security gets cut?

So like most of United Healthcare clients are suspects at this time.

And I think I just found my new band name


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