Unstoppable Workweek Power..

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I wouldn’t drive myself to death for 12 dollars an hour.

$11.62/hr gross.

My poor boy…

$11 an hour and taxes still need to be taken out. Oof

U.S.A. hustle culture indoctrination is a puzzling spectacle of sucker self-exploitation to benefit their capitalist overlords. Just weird.

Fenceless work camps.


For a regular 40 hour workweek, where OT is calculated at time and a half, I come to… $9/hr.

Somebody call a rape crisis center for this poor child. They need help.

I respect the hustle but pity the outcome.

14.22 hours every day for 7 days at $11.62 NOPE

I did the math, base pay is $8.94/hour. Victim, mentally deficient or both.

Not to kink shame, but fetishizing accelerating your own demise through unsustainable work-life balance seems not to be evolutionarily selected for.

Is that wage even legal? I would make well over $7k gross if I worked those kind of hours.

I did something similar when I was delivering pizzas a million years ago. $7.25/hr back then. I did that for two weeks and the owner called me up just to make sure I was okay. And to ask me not to do it again. He was a good guy. He was a little miffed about paying out so much OT, but he genuinely worried about his employees too.

Turns out I was not okay, I was extremely depressed, and I was coping by working too much.

And this is why unions are necessary

Killing yourself for $11.6/hr? Why?

Masta got me workin

Itā€™s worse than $11 and change – after 40 hours, they should be getting time and a half. In most states, Iā€™m assuming US, this is $9 an hour before taxes.

Likely this is rage bait.

I work 35-40 a week and make more than that after taxes. And I’m not a well paid white collar mf.

Once upon a time I worked 80 hours for a company that thanked me by “giving me a week’s worth of lieu days” that I could never use.

I wasn’t being paid well, otherwise it might have been worth it to sue them. Instead it was a lesson in not working for assholes.

99 for so little.

Shameful and also I pity the person for thinking working so many hours for so little pay is a flex.

Gross is absolutely correct that is certainly grossĀ 

When I did my first 90hr week (milestone?) I felt the same. When I later looked at my paycheck (we didn’t get paid overtime) I suddenly realised that I had what it took to work for myself. It took me another 5yrs to get traction while working other jobs, though I got there. Never give up on yourself folks.

I would quit if I made that in 40.

“Gross” sums up the way i feel about this rather well

14 hours per day, 7 days a week, for 11:50 per hour? No OT? And Danielle thinks that a good thing?

These were the conditions that made Marx and Engels write Das Kapitalā€¦.

That is insane !

Broke dollars and hour. šŸ„²

God damn, I got more than this working about 72 hours over 2 weeks.

Ahh! you’re working hard and earning well!

Didn’t even get $15 an hour, take home.

I work part time at 3 days a week. I work 6 days in a pay cycle and make a fed hundred more. Poor dude has no life.

The pay is so low šŸ™

I wouldnā€™t get out of bed for that wageā€¦.

Not a flex

You need a new job

99 hours? Tf? 40+ & I feel burnt out

*Cries in medicine*

99 hours in a week for 1100 dollars. FUCK NO

Sleep deprived euphoria is a real thing. A dangerous real thing.

If Iā€™m working 99 hours it better be at least a 2k paycheck

I made more per hour working as a prep and line cook at a restaurant on Turfway Road in Florence KY in 1998. That screenshot is simply sad.

… Just do crime instead. I mean, damn.

Get fucked. Iā€™m not working 100 hours a week for any amount of money. This person is not going to make it, man.

Imagine flexing 99 hrs for just a grand

In my 20s, there was a couple of weeks during the holidays that I worked ~90 hour workweeks which was my regular job (40 hours a week), my bartending job (was another 15-20 hours a week), and then this crazy side gig where we were doing theater pop ups in churches around the city. It was cool as hell and Iā€™m glad I did it but I was a zombie during those weeks and afterwards, I slept for almost a full day.

I cannot imagine doing that much work on a continued basis. Your body suffers.

I never understand how. Even 40 hours a week is just brutal to me. I can’t fathom doing 2Ā½ times that

This mindset of work till you fall over is so bad

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