Update: Before and after 9 and a half years clean from heroin

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You grew a dog, that’s awesome!

In all seriousness, you look really well and, most importantly, IMO, happy.


Congrats! you look great!

You look great … keep up the good work

Congratulations! I hope you feel as good as you look!

1 question.

Why do so many drug users have dyed hair?

Loving the after. The victorious smile. Looking happy and healthy. Congratulations and continued success.💕

Wow. Your eyes. First one they look so damn sad. Next one: Pure bliss. Being sober and happy is very cool. We’re all so proud of you. Thanks for helping make the world better.

Congrats! That’s awesome

That’s one thing that I can partially relate to in the matter of addiction. I used to smoke and I have heard some people claim that that’s harder to quit than heroin. However addiction is addiction, it doesn’t matter what it just matters that you’re away from it and that you stay away.

Congrats on 9 and 1/2 years rooting for another dozen.

Hell yeah

Congrats on the recovery! You look great! Never too late for anyone to stop. ❤️

Congratulations brother! 💪🏻

Take care, brother 🙏🏼

So proud of you friend. Congratulations!!

Hell yea

Congrats!! All the best ♡♡

Congratulations 🫶

Addiction is not an easy thing to fight… Good on you bro

That’s amazing! You look great! Keep it up!

Good on you!

Made me smile 😁

Healthy & happy looks amazing on you!! Keep it up friend.

You look so much happier! Congratulations!

You look happy and handsome!

Congrats on your journey!

Congrats heroin withdrawal is hell your a tough soul. keep up the great work you look great

So awesome! You’re an inspiration. Thank you for sharing


You look so happy in the second pic. Congratulations, keep up the great work!


You look amazing. You can see the difference in your eyes. Congrats on the journey, keep it up.

Wow the pain in your eyes in the first pic is so palpable. You look so much happier and healthier now, glad you’re still here

That’s amazing!!!!

You look so much more vibrant and full of life, congrats, keep it up!!

Such a genuine smile

Awesome man! And you also have a dog? That’s a super win.

You look so great and so happy!

Congratulations! What an accomplishment. Celebrate yourself today!

What a transformation! Be proud and keep helping others. Oh, be damn proud of yourself!!!!!!

Congrats bro! Hell of an accomplishment! I am celebrating 22 years this May.

Omg Congratulations!! 💜 It makes me so happy to see this! You are AWESOME!!

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