Update: States Where Pornhub Will be Blocking Access as of January 1, 2025

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Should be mapnotporn

What the hell is up with the Aleutian Islands!?

Oklahoma is currently blocked idk if that has changed

Brough to you, by Nord VPN.

Also. States with the highest Pornhub users.


Ok why VA?

One site down, three trillion to go.

“Land of the free” IIRC


The residents of some states just can’t handle porn.

You’re missing Oklahoma

I see plenty of misleading or misunderstood information here, so here’s what’s going on:
Some states will require age verification PROOF for users to access porn sites, meaning submitting some kind of identification like driver’s license, or any kind of ID the website would be able to understand and decrypt.

This law goes against Pornhub’s values of privacy, since now somewhere a database could link your ID to your watch history. A government could require access to those databases. Or simply the thing could be hacked and released.

It’s also a risk of identity theft since you have to provide official information to potentially untrustworthy websites.

So instead of implementing the features they don’t agree with for the aforementioned reasons, they decide to block access to them from these states.
The states don’t block : PH does. And if you use a VPN, good for you, you will just work around the state’s law.
Yes, there are tons of other porn sites, but PH decided to stick to their values.

[They explain it all here on their blog (SFW, but might be blocked or raise flags if you’re at work)](https://www.pornhub.com/blog/age-verification-in-the-news)

Pretty sure Texas has the most amount of laws restricting personal freedom.

Because the GOP knows you can’t be trusted to simply live according to your own values.

So much for being a free country. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I see Alaska is still erect.

The freedom states.

Stupid as fuck but its not like there’s not a shit ton of other big porn sites that people in the affected states can use

The poor people in those states. If only there were literally an endless supply of internet porn that was on other sites… sigh.

Now overlay VPN usage…

Just download a free VPN and you can continue “making Jesus cry”.

That’s wierd ’cause Florida and Texas have some of the highest incidences of wife swapping and that sort of stuff…

Who needs porn hub when you got Reddit?


Doesn’t make much sense to me. Won’t pornhub users just go elsewhere?

Block X then, LOL

All because of Virginia. A meaningless law that’s so easy to get around. These people pass laws “to protect kids” instead of trying to be good parents. Trust me, your kid knows what a VPN is if they are old enough to be going to porn sites.

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