Upgrades, People, Upgrades

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extrapolating, we can expect 3-monitor setups running on integrated graphics by 2039

As someone who was running SLI and CrossFire back in the day, I feel personally attacked by this one.

Took me all my life to have a 2009 upgrade this year. 🥲
I don’t regret it. 🤩

I remember when people thought his hands are his mustache… man I’m getting old…

first used pc i ever bought was off craigslist, dude had 980ti sli, listed it for 800, negotiated down to 700, sold 1 for about 300, got a 4790k/980ti build for 400 dollars, used it for the next 4 years.

I don’t know why but

happines from 2009 PC > happiness from 2024 PC

played cs 1.6, gta sa on brothers pc in 2009
now i could play any game on my pc with rtx 4080 super but it’s so much harder to find time to play.

And when i find the time to play, i feel guilty that i should do something else instead… I guess I’m getting old

TL;DR : I still love playing games it’s just so hard to find free time to play

I wish dual graphics cards were still a thing.

You can add a VR headset to that,the quest is crushing it.

You know what I do miss SLI I know it was kinda jank sometimes but it had a charm to it

Very accurate

SLI was dope 😎

Single monitor gang

I still have one monitor. It’s just the size of two.

This meme is wrong, there’s a 32:9 screen instead of these two puny ones :]

Laptops that supported crossfire were mind blowing back in the day.

Ah, yes, the good old SLi/Crossfire days, back when Ati Radeon was a company.

How wild it was, having two gpus and it was normal for hardcore gamers.

I ran SLI or Xfire on every rig up until the GTX 1080.

This is what kind of gets me about people complaining about high end gpus. People with 4090 money weren’t buying single GPUs fifteen years ago. They were going with Crossfire or SLI rigs.

Don’t forget that “full towers” are now half the size they used to be (see Coolermaster HAF-X) but graphics cards are twice the size (2x 1080 SLI vs my now single 4080)

The only time I had 2 GPUs in the same PC is when I had one old mid-range card that got better performance in most games and one new low end card that was the only way I could play some newer games because it supported newer shader model. So I switched back and forth between the GPUs based on what game I was playing lol

ah yes, when cpus were cards, the good times 😛

Serious question that I’ll never read replies to:

Can I improve prerformance on my main monirot if I raub my second monitor from a second cheaper dedicate GPU? So I can watch Netflix while gaming.

One pc one mac mini. PC for gaming, macmini for movies while gaming.

Love the RGB glow

Look at mr. moneybags having 2 GPUs back in 09!

I had an hd 3850×2 card in 2008 that had 2 gpu on one pcb. It was kinda shit honestly poor drivers

I should get some ram

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