US President Elon Musk getting his ring kissed by 6-time bankrupted businessman Donald Trump

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Serious question , wtf happened to JD Vance ? Once the election was over the guy disappeared 🤣

Why does he always look at people like that 😭

Is this an engagement photo?

Billionaire businessmen, given keys to government.

Cutting all the funding protecting the environment.

“Two roosters can’t fit in one henhouse”. (Italian proverb)

They would soon fight in a normal situation but imho mr. Trump is tired a lot recently. Elderness is catching him. Who knows what will happen.

I have a very bad feeling about these two in regard to what is going to happen to or in the US over the next four years. It will be 4 years if we are lucky enough to have Trump out of office in 2029. I hope that I’m wrong about things going bad.

Every time I see a picture like this, I am ashamed to have to admit that these two are our “leaders”.

They’re such a cute couple. I’m going to be so sad when Trump dumps him in the near future.

have some respect, that’s First Lady Elon Musk you’re talking about

Butters and Cartman 🤣🤣

That’s one of the most nauseating images I’ve seen recently.

When I was a kid, I wondered what a “henchman” was. Now, I think I understand.

I’m at the point where I will fucking pay myself for elon to get his neck beard trimmed. Dude has really let himself go since covid

Don’t you have to run at least one successful business to be called a businessman? Inheriting money and running cons don’t count.

Why does Elon always look like a psychopath when he’s speaking with other people in/with power?

That’s the First Lady’s

If this joke goes on long enough about Elon being the real president, I can almost guarantee there’s likely to be a conversation about it. He just doesn’t strike me as the kind of person to not get bother by this, which is why it’s so funny.

Good Ol’ President Musk. What this country has become…


Best $270M spent by Elon, bought the nation.

This is a national embarrassment for the whole world to see.

The only picture where the first lady shows some affection to the orange ape.


Love the dominance handshake, Trump goes bottom.

Two narcissistic, ego driven Kings and only one throne. Someday historians are going to have a field day with 2024-28.

Man, why do we have LITERAL CARTOON CHARACTERS taking power now? WTF is wrong with our stupid citizens that they wanted this?

I love how musk has the overhanded handshake. Last time trump went subservient in this gesture was with Putin.

Who’s sucking up to power?

I mean… imagine if it did turn out that Musk or Trump knew or were involved in stealing the election. Would they be executed? Would it be a bigger TV event than Paul/Tyson?

This sub is awful lmao

This sub used to be cool and interesting, informative pictures. Now it’s just political garbage. Pathetic karma farming sub.

/r pics, the sub for leftist circle jerking.

President musk better keep his finances away from ol bankrupt don😂🤣😂

This sub is the most butthurt one I’ve been a member of. All you people do is post Trump and Musk. Post something interesting or cool. I’d rather look at a piece of stale bread than this sh1t

Interesting hand positions, Trump – well known for his “power move” hand shakes has adopted the perceived weaker/subservient aspect in this picture

Two naturally bald men.

Nah that’s the president holding his wife Elonia’s hand and gazing lovingly into her eyes

After the breakup they won’t even know the names of the kids in the custody battle.

Ladies! Get a man that looks at you, like Elon looks at Donald.

The President and the Elected Muppet

Isn’t Musk like 6’2″ ? Yet he practically towers over 6’3″ Trump. Musk must understate his height.

We’re fucked.

He finally found his soulmate

Why does Elon always either look dorky as hell, or super evil???

Is he Vector IRL?

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