USA Men’s Water Polo: The War Below

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for every 10 crappy posts in this sub that dont fit into the category, come this kind of post every once in a while and gives me a reason to stay subscribed.

This is a staged photo from Vanity Fair
It’s also in the Top of All time in this sub three years ago.

This is why I will never play polo

THIS is why the sub exists. Bravo to the photographer

This looks terrifying

That’s crazy good.

Should be a top 10 on this sub, easy.

Repost from sorted by best of all time go brrrrrr

The energy is a section of Michelangelo’s *The Last Judgment*, especially towards the bottom right.

I thought this was a real painting when I first scrolled to it- amazing shot!

This is incredible. As ai scrolled I genuinely thought this was an r/museum post of some painting of a shipwreck like the Raft of the Medusa

Finally some art in this sub

Beautiful, but looks quite dangerous

Are they allowed to grab onto each other like that? How does the sport prevent drownings?

Edited to add: I looked it up, I’m so disturbed. ☺️ And no, I don’t think they’re supposed to.

Great photo!


Wow, that’s a real sport, not staged photo?

This could be of Dante’s Circles of Hell captured in oil.

Unrelated but playing water polo seems like an actual nightmare to me. I’d rather compete in kickboxing or something. Sure you get your ass kicked, but not while you’re drowning!

This is the content I’m here for

the best part about this sport is you dont have to do it.

I actually thought this was a painting at first glance before I really studied it. Brilliant.

Diagonal composition is very [Baroque](

And oddly terrifying

Apart from fitting the sub perfectly this is an epic picture.

As a poor swimmer, it’s almost uncomfortable to see, but also mesmerizing.

Absolutely the best accidental renaissance ever posted AND one of the best sports photos I’ve seen (they always say you need to capture a peak moment of the action and this is all that and more!) Amazing shot!


I like the one guy who’s tickling somebody in the middle of all this

This pic fits in this sub.

Caravaggio just gasped in his grave.

THIS is a perfect example… amazing

Water polo is the only team sport that allows for murder

My Apologies, I meant to post the photo credit immediately. I didn’t realize it would get so much love so fast. This beautiful photo is by Annie Leibovitz

[Photo credit: Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Faire. Titled “wa•ter po•lo n (1884)“](

For reference on how big these guys are, [this post]( shows individual players, their height/ weight and some action shots.

I assume this is staged because that is not how you play water polo

Easily the most exhausting sport I tried and failed at.

What goes on down there?

Awesome photography!!

Michelangeloesque! Very nice picture.

Looks like the last supper but underwater

Breathtaking 😏

Omg….I want to paint these.

Incredible photo. Perfect for the sub.

Also, why I would never consider playing waterpolo. It looks like watery hell lol.

Studium and punctum.

This is a magnum opus.

Being kicked, poked, hit, grabbed, scratched, strangled all the friggin time IN TRAINING made me stop trying out this sport after two sessions.

Imagine a barfight with rugby players AND Cats – thats Water Polo.

Repost and staged

I can just imagine that painted on the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel…. ok maybe not the Sistene Chapel, but the ceiling of your local pool.

The man’s chest and arms look like they were painted by Michelangelo.

This looks painted. It’s gorgeous.

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