Vast stretches of the world are now below the replacement rate. You will probably live to see humanity’s population peak.

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Even countries with the highest birth rates today have seen a decline since the 50s.

and It’s still outdated, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Sri Lanka and Maldives has fertility rate below 2.1 at 2024

It’s weird considering I remember a time when “overpopulation” was going to be a big issue in the future but it looks like it’ll be the opposite

Can Kazakhstan be considered an outlier? It’s fairly developed, but still blue.

The influence of elderly people in democratic elections will greatly increase

Well clearly we just need to copy the robust social safety nets and childcare programs of Sudan, Congo and Somalia and we’ll start pumping out babies in no time

We’re gonna have old people dominate societies a lot more than they already do, and there also won’t be enough people to take care of them.

While the population decreasing is indeed good for the sake of the environment, it doing so at such a rate is gonna have an unprecedented shock on the way the world operates.

If this had been a gradual decline over maybe a century or so that would be one thing, but it isn’t.

Even more interesting times ahead.

Awesome, less lines to the waterpark

Overpopulation was a huge concern in the 1980s-2000s, they taught in my public school how bad it was going to be. I think what we are seeing is a very dramatic over correction.

And by 2100, if trends continue, the world population will be the same as it was in 2000.

Which is still several billion, but now with millions of climate refugees on every continent.

I read a book once and the premise was that mankind figured out how to upload ourselves into a virtual paradise and leave our bodies behind. No disease, no war, no money, no problems. And no death. The computer program was very advanced. But people became bored with utopia and wanted to end their “lives” but the computer would always reset them if they tried. It was an interesting premise to me.

the below replacement countries, specifically the west, due to the wests additional needing of workforce, will have no option than to take the above replacement country’s people to replace the workforce to sustain their economies, which will be further fueled by the countries with above replacement being on average more impoverished and less educated than the west. This will simultaneously lead to brain drain from the above replacement countries creating a cycle. If trajectories maintain the way they are, the world should see a significant percentage increase of first gen african descent. am intoxicated currently but that’s my prediction.

I am almost 50 and I know very few people my age who have children.

Eventually ideologies that promote high fertility will become dominant. The Amish population, for instance, doubles every 20 years. Mormons, Orthodox Jews, conservative Catholics, Muslims. Religion is going to make a big comeback because the irreligious don’t breed.

Here’s a map of the U.S. fertility rate by state. Look at Utah. Also, South Dakota.
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Nah africa still has some way to go and too many come here to have the peak within the next 30 years.

Why are people acting like it’s now set in stone and it can’t increase again?

Less idiots in the world.

Does this mean African countries will become more significant on the global stage?


Now we’ve just got to get Africa and the Middle East on board

Let’s hope so! Humans and their domesticated animals already provide the bulk of biomass of all mammals on the planet. Between 3-6% of all species in all major classes have died out, and in some classes, up to 30% of all individuals have disappeared – all within 100 years.

This is great. As a species we really suck.

So less of us will allow other things to exist


Don’t look at me, I’m gay.

Other guys, hop to? Lol

“The world doesn’t end with a bang, but a whimper” .

Reddit will only focus on le unenlightned asia and blame it on “long working hours” and “mysogyny”. “Muh japan korea taiwan thailand china are doomed”

The shittier the living condition, the higher the birth rate

That should tell you something about “the human condition”

Am I supposed to be sad? I’m not.

Consumerism and pop culture -> drop in TFR

This is a positive situation. It’s only raw capitalism that thinks it isn’t.


That’s assuming nothing changes

Economies are hitting the ecological limits of the planet, and as things become more difficult to source and produce, they become more expensive. As things become more expensive, people naturally don’t want to have as many kids. We are literally reaching the carrying capacity limit of the planet. Let’s hope we are smart enough to start shrinking economies in a fair way and avoid bottlenecks, but human greed knows no limits.

Yes but have you considered that being prepared for global demographic changes means being near non white people? Probably best that we just pretend it’s fine to keep em out

Ask women around the world how many children they want and the vast majority say zero or two.


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