Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador

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And these are the images they allow the public to see.


All without due process. Yet Trump whined about how unfair the courts were to him when he was treated overly deferentially by the justice system.

Seeing this, I’m just wondering how far in the future is the moment when things will go in the direction that ends in another Nuremberg trials.

The video of this event was filmed Hollywood style to appease the base with โ€œdeportation pornโ€.

Correct title is:

“A bunch of men deported by Trump but we have no idea who they really are”

It’s never a good sign when the guards are wearing masks.

If this does not horrify you, nothing will.

So this is how it feels to witness photos in real time that will one day be in textbooks as required reading…

I don’t like it

Anyone notice that all of them have shaved heads? What’s up with that?

Did these people even have a fair trial or was it just hearsay?

What horrifies me even more than how they’re treating these people is that there’s a possibility these are legal immigrants with no criminal record at all being locked into a prison not in either of their home countries (birth or naturalized) with basically no chance of leaving in the next few years.

I used to already be shaky about visiting the US because of gun violence and racism against Asians (I’m Chinese), but good lord… I never want to go there now.

โ€œThere will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But alwaysโ€”do not forget thisโ€”always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human faceโ€”forever.โ€

The way this photo is set up i wouldnt doubt they did this multiple times to get the picture just right. This photo has all the hallmarks of a non candided and purposeful positioning.

I would bet this isnt how they normally do this, and sadly i worry this is the more humane version of shit they do there.

Did these people even get a trial?

Oh the ones that the judge blocked from deporting there but Trump did it anyway? Is he sure that these are even the right people and that all of them are actually undocumented criminals? Canโ€™t be too sure with the millions of other mistakes the administration has made in the last 8 weeks

Very cool, normal, not at all fascist picture.

The exact thing you’d see if 1930s Germany had today’s social media.

โ€œThey wonโ€™t build no schools anymore. They wonโ€™t build any hospitals. All they build will be prisonsโ€

You can practically hear every single Republican hooting and cheering to this image.

If they can arrest these people without due process, they can arrest anyone without due process. Their test run has passed, time to expand.

Building a human-disappearance-machine that will soon be used against citizens who disagree with them.

This is normal and not a sign of the deterioration of democracy and the rise of a facist autocrat. Definitely normal

“A time of war” – trump is going with this narrative and will trigger or start world war 3. Buckle up gang. All of us are going on a wild ride

So we sent a bunch of brown people away without even deciding if they were actually criminals or not?

tัump is a neo-nazi. He and his supporters will go down on the wrong side of history.

Trump is testing the rule of law in the US to see how far he can go. Once the rule of law goes out the window our Democracy is done.

This means he will be deporting Americans next. Hell, some of those guys might be citizens! This is his plan, folks.

Jesus this is just sad and pathetic. America deserves all the hate and bad things that are coming their way.

I’m gonna assume they weren’t all bald earlier, and that they got a military haircut when they arrived here?

This is truly some dystopian shit.

The title needs a date. I have no idea when this happened. Thanks

“are we the baddies?”

Why there treating so cruelly is beyond me ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ

concentration camps 2.0

Getting real 1984 vibes from this image.

And we still don’t see the similarity to what nazi-germany did? And we still don’t do shit about it?

They say all empires die from the inside first.

For anyone who hasn’t seen some of what this hell-on-earth has to offer…


Why are Venezuelans sent to El Salvador? Did Venezuela refuse them but El Salvador offered to take them instead? Real question, Iโ€™m not trying to be rhetorical or anything.

Performative tactics like this are obscene and defy justice and the constitution which expressly calls out cruel and unusual punishment.

Are any of them actually guilty of any crime in the US? Or did they simply flee here due to political dissent of Maduro and risk of being tortured to death over it..

I know MAGA will say every last one of them are illegal and murderous gang members who ate pets and brutally raped bald eagles even if they were shop keepers and beloved contributors to their community who were here completely legally..

This is horrifying. Truly 1930s shit.

Iโ€™m sorry if this is a dumb question, but if theyโ€™re Venezuelan, why were they sent to that prison in El Salvador?

Is it deporting when you send people to a nation that is not theirs? Sounds more like human trafficking to me

You know itโ€™s not a good place when the guards are wearing ski masks.

America is so gross. If their dumb gelatinous citizens actually cared they would be out stringing up their politicians by the dozens.

Every single officer there KNOWS what they are doing is a crime against humanity or they wouldnโ€™t be hiding their faces and uniform identification

I’ve only seen this in documentaries about Russian max security prisons

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