Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador 25

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This was mentioned in another sub that had a different picture. This is what they’re showing you, imagine what they aren’t

Why are they all wearing face coverings?

I bet a dollar that US citizens will end up here as well

These guys got due process and we made sure these aren’t US citizens right? RIGHT???

This is fucking sick. The atrocities committed by this administration will be talked about for generations to come.

None of these folks has had a hearing, or time in front of any judge. This is simply Trump saying “All Venezuelans are terrorists.

Getting real 1984 vibes from this image.

Terrorism confinement center or CECOT (Centro de Confinamiento del Terrorismo) is the largest prison in south America, holding apx 15k prisoners, with capacity up to 40k.

Living here is not a joy.
* Inmates spend 23.5 Hours a day in the cell.
* No mattress, inmates sleep on a metal shelf.
* Cell filled with about 70 inmates, with only 2 open toilets and water basins (for drinking as well) next to the toilets.
* Spot lights are turned on 24/7.
* Absolute zero communication to the outside world (beside legal purpose, but must be done online)
* Meal consists of tortilla breads, cream, rice&beans with no meat.
* Solidary confinement in a pure dark room for week.

Can someone explain why, after trump deported them without due process, they couldn’t get a fair trial in Venezuela? Why did the authorities just take trump’s word that they were violent gang members without checking anything? Are they simply just as bad as the US?

Based on the images and the fact the they aren’t showing faces, I am highly skeptical all these men are part of the Tren De Aragua Cartel, due to the lack of tattoos on a lot of the men.

If everyone here was part of this criminal organization they would have noticeable ink on their arms and legs, which are clearly shown.

Not deported. This is extralegal rendition. Under other regimes it was known as “disappearing.”

No due process, no court oversight, ignoring court orders.

This is what authoritarian dictators do.


It’s a bunch of men Trump “claims” are Venezuelan gang members who he deported after the courts said not to.

Why they all wearing crocs

Gross. This is going to be someone’s Guatemalan father who has no connections to organized crime or Venezuela deported to a fucking gulag in El Salvador.

These people are sent here without due process.

You think they will stop at immigrants? They can do this to anyone. They can just tag them as immigrants and send them there.

You cannot ask for habeas corpus anymore once you’re there. It’s pretty moot.

Without any due process these could be legal US citizens for all we know. So it should say “Alleged Venezuelan Migrants”. So technically I believe this is slander.

They really want to make it look as dystopian as possible…

The face of modern America is a masked man. This may be in El Salvador, but it is the face of the United States.

I know I’m focusing on the wrong thing here, but are crocs standard issue for prisoners?

Can’t be too sure that these are actually Venezuelan immigrants, or that they are even Venezuelan, or that they are undocumented with all the mistakes and illegal activity that ICE and the Trump administration has been engaged in lately. They have been doing illegal searches, detaining documented immigrants and legal citizens, creating fake warrants after the fact, and deporting them

these pictures are distributed very intentionally to put fear in people. despicable deportations, despicable propaganda.

Even if you don’t want then in America what the fuck is the point in treating them like this? What the hell does this treatment achieve?

What a disgrace.

This is one of the most catastrophic derelictions of duty ever.

Those who want to be hard guys really get off on this Trump action. Makes them feel powerful and in control. I think it’s barbaric. They may be really deserving of imprisonment, but we used to treat people humanely and ensure they got due process. This is Nazi-like rounding up & deportation to hostile camps where they’ll be treated worse than animals.

Hey just a cool 6 million a year to torture some people that have been identified as criminals. No actual idea if they are or not, just more raw meat for the base.

This is a test. If he can get away with it for these people, American citizens are next. Pretty convenient way to side step constitutional rights once you leave US soil.

whatever the rights and wrongs, this wouldnt look out of place in Nazi Germany.

Criminals gangs anywhere in the world should be in jail, whether they immigrated illegally or legally or never left their country. The problem with Trump’s approach is that he is not putting these people through the courts before they are deported and that puts in doubt the legality of all the arrests and imprisonment of people that could he innocent. People that could be illegal and eligible for deportation but not jail because they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You do not treat people like this.

Not only did cheetoh man deny a court order but the judge also said if the plane is flying or takes off to turn it around. So yeah Trump is openly defying the law here. And if he refuses to bring them back for proper due process then he doubled down on it. Not only is he in contempt of the constitution here this leads to a dangerous precedent for his adminitstration to summarily deport whoever they want after this if they get away with it. Hes already trying to start making protesting illegal i could totally see protesters who arent white being deported for no reason or anyone else who offends him. Its a slippery slope and we all know if cheetoh gets an inch he takes 10 miles.

This is horrifying

This isn’t too far off from a death penalty.

Imagine if the germans had had internet in the 1930-40s and ignored the pictures just like americans are doing right now.
It always happens to someone else untill it happens to you…

this is horrifying, even if some are criminals everyone deserves a trial

I wonder if their families are even aware of where they are 🙁

This feels like a slave trade with extra steps.

Why are so many pics being made available? I’ve never seen so many photos from inside a max security prison.

Looks like crocs is profiting off this ordeal pretty well

And because none of them faced trial and were only deported based on accusations, they could all very well be innocent and did nothing wrong. Not that Trump or ice cares. Fascist scum

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Soon enemys of the führer will start accidentally falling from top floor windows.

Propaganda. How fortuitous that they had a camera man right there at that angle. Let alone the videos they produced with a soundtrack

Which one is the guy who bumped Trump with the mic?

No one is against the imprisonment of evil criminals. But, lack of due process can have detrimental consequences for all members of society. We want them tried first then jailed. If they are truly criminals they will face judgement. Just rounding up people based on feelings and heresay is monumentally dangerous. I really hope there are no innocent people or even American citizens getting disappeared right now.

This shit looks straight out of holocaust

Someone once said the only people who wear masks are criminals. Who was that, again?

Nazi America

So are they at least going to share the evidence that these were gang members? You know, seeing as they didn’t provide the Right to a fair trail.

Just watched a video on CECOT last night. Dude was talking about how the gang members will never see their family again, and escape is impossible. These new detainees are NOT MS-13. Probably regular ass people.

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