Very effective messaging, straight to the point

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If Elon wants people to stop calling him a dick, he should stop being a dick

If 47 gets to keep repeating the same lies over and over again till his devotees receive them as true, I don’t see why other people should be prevented from telling the truth over and over again.


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Just call it like you see it, although that is giving a bad name to dicks🤣

thank you i know it’s only words but this is the attitude i want to see every time a dem gets a microphone

And this is what we need MORE of from Dems: go on tv and use their own shit against them. Be vulgar, be obscene be shocking, so when the pearl-clutchers start foaming at the mouth in rage we can show them the exact same behavior that they were previously cheering for.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….

I hate to say this but this may be the only way the double standard is broken. Because republicans aren’t ever going to play nice again. They’ll either keep on as they are or disappear as a party entirely

It’s giving Peter Venkman in the Mayor’s office vibes to me.

I appreciate this. I think politics have become too calculated. It’s like, someone could drop a nuclear bomb on Washington DC and there’d be a bunch of talking heads on TV arguing about whether it’s better for Democrats or Republicans.

Maybe let’s take a break from the calculations and maneuvering, and instead try to do good things. Could we try it?


I’ve searched everything I can think of and can’t find this on YouTube, though I did find the “dick pic” clip where he put up a photo of Elon which was great.

Does anyone have a youtube link or something?

I just enjoy people swearing at those I despise.

I watched that nice Danish politician man tell Trump to fuck off at least 10 times^

“iS tHaT eFfEcTiVe MeSsAgInG”


Truth is an absolute defense to defamation.


No notes.

How dare they call him out on this and never question any of the republikkkans treasonous activities???!!! 🤬 Elon Musk is a dick and there’s no denying it!!!

Republicans: *raping and pillaging the entirety of the federal government, brazenly and in the open, at the direction of Elon Musk, the man who gave a Nazi salute twice at Trump’s inauguration, to absolutely zero meaningful pushback or coverage from the MSM*

Democrats: “Ayo, that dude’s a dick.”

MSM: “BuT dO YoU tHiNk ThAt CaLlInG hIm A dIcK iS eFfEcTiVe MeSsAgInG?!”

That’s ~~Scott~~ Elon, he’s a Dick!

You’re breaking the law Congressman Garcia.


That’s our boy from Long Beach, making us proud 🥹

Well said.

He’s not wrong

Seems pretty effective to me.

I’m sorry but in comparison to- republicans/trump?

Yeah. They proved they want nothing to do with decorum and formality. We are literally at Idiocracy level where being proper is “F(slur)talk.”


Haven’t you guys seen Team America? Elon Musk is NOT a dick!

He’s an asshole!

Democrats, this. More of this. There is no more “high road”.

I would like to answer for the congressman: “Yes.”

Nice! 👍

And you can fact check that, ma’am.

Fuck CNN!

The U.S. used to be a place I wanted to visit.
The fuck happened?

That’s my congressman right there.



CNN being useless as usual.

He’s a dick with a crown though. America made him king.

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