VGA Master Race

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That’s why you never throw away cables

My Drawer still has a Gameboy color link cable in it……you never know.

“I finally convinced myself”…yeah…your self, there wasn’t a second person involved 😂

I had to threw away my bag of cables I had been collecting since I was a child cause the bag was mouldy ish and fraying, literally falling apart

Literally two weeks after I threw it I needed a very specofic cable I knew for a fact was in that bad

Never again

We all cried for him 😢

theyre always useful, still have to have one for the second monitor since thats its only input ahaha

I never throw away cables

But I always somehow need NEW ones. It’s wild the amount of different cables I wind up needing.

Never throw away cables and adapters.

Happened to me lately. Threw away usb A to B cable that connects DAC to PC since I migrated to usb C. Purchased a new one, only to get one for free with the printer my wife bought for my bday.

Throwing away cables is always a risk. I still have cables for my 8 mm camera. Just in case…

I hold three VGA cables.

One standard cable for if I need it.

One spare standard cable for if the other one is in use.

One ridiculously long VGA cables that I could possibly wrap around my house on the off chance that I need to connect the pc in the garden to the screen on my roof.

That drawer has saved my life many times. The past month I’ve needed a bunch of HDMI cables that I found in the draw.

Im in the process of moving house. This involves sorting the box.

The box contains cables, adapters, old fans and any accessory that has come with a PC purchase ive made over the last 15 years.

I should sort it and clear most of it out, i dont ever need anything from there.

I will just move the box as it is to the new house.

Bro I gathered 7 display ports, 0 hdmi and I needed an hdmi cable yesterday

I split my cables into different bags for video, audio, usb, network and power, and I made a special bag for the obsolete cables (then I threw it into the back of the storage)

The trick is to keep at least one of each type of cable.

A month ago, I needed a backup monitor for something. Remembered I had a small spare just sitting (upside down in an storage tote in my garage). Bring it inside, then realize it has no HDMI port, only VGA and DVI, was kinda annoyed.

Wait, whats this? Wrapped around it’s base with the power cable…a fucking DVI to HDMI cable!

I had totally forgot about that as I hadn’t used the monitor in literal years. Never throw out anything! lol.

Why is this so relatable? lmao

U guys have only ”a” drawer for cables?? I have a cabinet for my cables. Never throw away cables and adapters.

Never throw away:

1 VGA cable

1 USB printer cable

1 RJ11 phone cable

1 25-pin serial cable

1 9-pin serial cable

1 ethernet cross-over cable

It always happens to me lol when I moved not long ago I threw out a small inverter… guess what I needed last week

I threw away my ssd box last week after keeping it for 2 years. And now i need it smh

I got two special drawers. One for really dumb, outdated, and freakish audio cables and adapters that make no sense. And one for same in but video. Sometimes I rummage through them just for fun.

I keep all my cables, especially the political ones, you never know when it will come in handy.

What did we learn Russel?

My dad’s ZIP drive cables are safe and sound though. Sharing cabinet with his parallel port 50 ft cable and many other old-timers. The other day I think I found something useful in there.

Always keep one of each. At least.

Yes but if he hasn’t thrown them away he wouldn’t have needed them a few months later, this is how the universe works , if he had kept them he wouldn’t have needed them , he only needed them because he suddenly didn’t have them anymore ,something about time or some shit I’m not entirely sure

Should’ve kept at least 1 you never know when you need it

this is why u keep 1 single good cable and throw the old ones out. dvi, vga, throw them out except a known good one. he did a rookie mistake


never throw away cables

Same thing happened to me recently. PSU died and I had another one different brand. Somehow I managed to hook it up properly

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