“Virtual reality enables students to go on a field trip without leaving their school”

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Just one more erosion of a decent childhood.

The field trip? To a farm.

“It’s great for the students because it lets them experience the farm without all the mess.”

Is this what going crazy feels like?

The destination wasn’t what it was all about. It was the bus experience traveling across a state, or states to get there. Then you got there and new bonds were formed by then and new friendships developed. God damn those were great times.

I really don’t understand the point in this! and they wonder why kids are antisocial.

And it’s only 20x the cost

Great for checking out stuff on the other side of the globe, not great if they replace every normal field-trip with VR

If this is in addition to normal field trips, something supplementing the real thing (but not replacing it) or allowing trips to far-off places (let’s visit the Parthenon today), I’m cool with it and actually think that’s a great use of the technology (and I have heard of schools doing exactly that). Obviously, this is a picture without a link to an article, so without that context, I can’t really say much.

This is sad. As if putting a Chromebook in front of them for 7 hours a day isn’t enough!

Dystopian as fuck

So does ketamine and psilocybin.

With this the children can hang out with Genghis Khan. They’ll go where he goes, defile what he defiles, eat who he eats

Once we went on an excursion to a reserve, I bumped into a branch and a snake fell from the tree onto my head, it was one of the coolest days I’ve ever had, after I stopped crying

You know what’s more than mildly infuriating? Schools don’t have money for field trips or they have to charge families. More than that, many places are experiencing bus driver shortages so it’s extremely hard to get a bus even if you can afford it. Also legal liability is a bitch and a lot of schools just don’t want to chance certain types of trips for fear kids might get injured in some way.

Before you come at me about the cost of the VR headsets, different funding streams come with different strings attached. It is very possible that there is indeed money for headsets, but not money for field trips.

I feel like this is another tech bro “innovation” that completely misses the actual point. Field trips are about experiences and learning to conduct yourself in society. The knowledge you gain or learn is actually secondary to it.

You can’t keep kids who are at a prime “there are others around me?!” stage locked up and then expect them to be perfect lil citizens when you release them at 18 years old.

Like there is a reason even prisons let people socialize and see things for good behavior.

I could see this being valuable to disabled children who absolutely cannot go outside or seeing simulations for historical reasons… maybe children who lost field trip privileges and can do the learning part… but still, feels wrong.

Without someone carefully cleaning them with every use, lice, flu, covid, etc. may spread.

If they had a grant for tech but no funding for actual trips, I can see why they went this route.

It’s definitely not as good as going on the trip – it could have been a work around.

Spend small amounts of money taking kids to a farm.

No, spend large amounts of money on enough VR gear for a whole class to show the same thing they could watch on a normal video.

And no, it’s not an investment that many classes can use the same cost to save money overall vs taking many classes to the farm. Remember how the traveling laptop cart was treated? These things are gonna be used for a year and then left to rot because only a handful will still work

This would be fine during COVID but it’s definitely stupid by now.

That defeats the purpose of a FIELD TRIP

Imagine this in any other context.

“Virtual reality lets inmates leave their cell”.

“Virtual reality lets singles go on dates”.

“Virtual reality lets astronauts go to space”.

The future is now, old man



How many trips could’ve been funded by the price of thirty pairs of vr googles?

Only thing I see this being good is special ed students. But even then. Getting them out to experience life is what they need.

This would be cool for areas that trips can’t normally happen in: Chernobyl or a space station
Or places that don’t exist anymore like walking around medieval Europe or Rome

This would be cool if it were for something like students in Wyoming learning about Pompeii, but not as a substitute for a local field trip.

“Total Recall” was supposed to be entertainment, not a documentary.

The right use of this technology would be “Virtual reality enables workers to be at the office without leaving their home”, but like that’s ever gonna happen.

Our billionaire overlords would never accept this, so we shall return to the office.

This is dystopian. This is actually insane. In what world is vr a viable substitute for anything real?

“On an unrelated topic- pink eye spreads rapidly in schools this season”

As a parent, I would simply take the day off, and take my son to whatever they’re showing.

At that point, why not just watch a video about it?

VR should definitely be used in education but never as a replacement for field trips

I can kinda see a use case if they did “field trips” to places around the world, but this just screams of sadness.

yeah i guess it really depends on where they’re “going”. great pyramid – sure use VR. farm? i dunno.

“Hello, I’m Genghis Khan. Today, you’ll do what I do. Defile what I defile. Eat who I eat.”

I am not exaggerating when I say this… this is hell, this is a dystopia.

It is shocking to me that there are headlines like this and people look at me with genuine confusion when I tell them that I do not want to bring a child into this world.

“Problem solved!”
-*no one*

There’s no way that cheaper than actually going on a field trip

Jesus Christ

I could see this being beneficial for the elderly who are bed ridden or have eey limited mobility.

How about kids experiencing actual reality?

Sometimes I think people pushing for this kind of “innovations” don’t really get what the purpose of actually doing things is to feel it and save the memories.

And people say we arent living in a dystopian future

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