Visiting Barcelona and decided to take a chance on a dessert not available to Taco Bell customers in America.

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It’s 3 Kit Kats in a trenchcoat

Why did you order it rare?

Glad to know Spanish fast food workers are as good at their jobs as American and Canadian fast food workers.

Visiting Barcelona and when to taco bell? You deserve it

It feels like some bullshit you would get at a Taco Bell in the states.

Some of ya’ll have never tried fast food in another country to see how it is and it shows. Who’s to say OP hasn’t been eating Barcelonian food and just decided to try TB on a whim. Title even says he wanted to try a dessert not available in the states…fuck else is he supposed to do.


Taco Bell be like

😆 eating at a fucking Taco Bell in Barcelona.

I had it a couple months ago. My was cooked through more and the texture was like crepes

You didn’t count on Spanish thoroughness when on the job…



This is the most sad piece of food I have ever come across.

Who eats Taco Bell in Barcelona?

Raw, next question

People laughing at you but when I’m in other countries I always pop into fast food spots to see what different shit they have. It’s fun and a few minutes and bucks out of my trip isn’t going to distract from all the local shit I experience.

I mean, that would have met my expectations…

That’s just depression and I have that at home

Yeah keep that shit over there

No no no, get Italian while in Barcelona. I’m serious.

You deserve that for going to Taco Bell while visiting Barcelona. I hope it follows you home and taunts you while you try to sleep at night.

I think what’s mildly infuriating is you eating at Taco Bell in Barcelona

You’re in Barcelona, why would you even go to Taco Bell? Do you look for Domino’s in Rome?

Lmao. Man that’s so disappointing

Pretty sure that’s available at the 7-11 down the street from me. I’d have to be pretty high to even think of doing it.

So it’s a Kit Kat n a tortilla

*This look like something from a baby’s diaper!”*

Nah, man. Cold flour tortilla with chocolate? That’s revolting.


Fuck all these haters i would absolutely try the KitKat quesadilla. Sorry you got shorted bud.

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