By 0x6835
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Goes kinda hard

I mean water is great so hell yeah.

This reminds me of the time my mate was wearing a long sleeve white shirt with Chinese writing on it.

We asked our Chinese friend what it meant and he said it read “Long sleeve white shirt”.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind if only our alphabet wasn’t the most boring one in existence

my friend got Britain (tbf could mean hero), expensive, and loyal tattooed on her forearm and i screamed

Meanwhile in some Asian countries it’s in fashion to have T-shirts in English and most have no idea what they mean.

I remember seeing this before, iirc her tattoos worked out and translates to some pretty cool words

Funnily enough, I saw a guy yesterday with a massive 喝 tattooed on his arm. Nothing else I could see. Unless there’s another meaning I’ve missed, it just means “drink”.

I once saw a guy with “helvetica” tattooed on his arm in helvetica. I thought that was so Great. (Also my favorite fond)

My chinese sucks, but these are her tattoo words:














can’t read the covered words but looks like:


Haha classic

If he bends his arm, he’d be a Water Bender.

Old English letters are just as beautiful as Chinese writing. Also Arabic calligraphy is dope

neutral HAHAHAHAHA lmao

Why would you get annoyed when someone from another country or culture gets a tattoo in the language or writing you are used to? I genuinely don’t understand. Not trying to stir things up.
I just couldn’t care less myself.

I stand by the message. Truly, W A T E R.


And that’s best case scenario

If anyone wonders the Chinese tattoo reads independence, heartless, Curious and Cunning

I remember reading that chinese-made products in China often have European words in them, because they are associated with quality

A good candidate for r/hydrohomies

It’s weird that other people think my tattoos are about them. Whose body is it on Karen?

The only issue with this comparison is he’s got my “Drawing on a whiteboard while explaining my interpretation of the prompt to my classmates” font, while she’s got a nice calligraphy style that has good balance and spacing.

No it doesn’t, it’d look like calligraphy as writing Chinese characters have long been an art in China, and tons of westerns have calligraphy tattoos.
I’m so tired of this Western hate

From top to bottom the tattoos mean: independent,cold,curious and cunning

Be water my friend

-Bruce Lee

Might be best madlad moment ever.

Mr. Cool Ice already did it

I always used to tell people with Chinese character tattoos that what they had really meant beef with broccoli

Americans trade in their rose tinted lenses for a blindfold

An Aussie AFL player asked the tattooist for some Chinese writing on his arm. Thought it would look cool. The tattooist said he didn’t know any Chinese words so the guy said to just make it look good. The tattooist looked across the road and saw a Chinese takeaway sign and copied some of it. It said something like ‘dim Sims 2 for 80 cents’. The AFL player didn’t find out until years later.
This was decades ago.

I had a fridge magnet from a Hong Kong night market that translated to

“Don’t cheat wife cutting dick off throw in river”

That was always a hoot

People get tattoos with English words too.

but people tattoo english words on themselves all the time too

Water is kind of holy in doaism


“You must be shapeless, formless, like water.

When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup.

When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle.

When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.

Water can drip and it can crash.

Become like water my friend.”
― [Bruce Lee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJMwBwFj5nQ)

I remember the days of Hanzismatter, a site where we all came together to laugh at dumb mistakes in “deep” chinese tattoos, but after we were done there, we would surf over to [engrish.com](http://engrish.com) to buy our “I hate myself and i want to die” shirts with the happy rainbow on it. It became such a trend that I got “fire sale” tattooed in Japanese, and “keep away from children” in Russian, among other things. Over the years I have kept doing this in many other languages as well as a complete sleeve with english song lyric snippets. Sometimes tattoos are just fun to have man 🙂

Well.. there are also calligraphy tattoo which are pretty much the same thing with “our” alphabet.

Except it should say “watre”

One day i will have a tatoo in chinese wich translates into “i don’t know what this tatoo says”

“Hearltless” “curious”

Where my hydrohomies at?

One of my favourite websites is Hanzi Smatter – [https://hanzismatter.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2018-08-02T20:12:00-07:00&max-results=7](https://hanzismatter.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2018-08-02T20:12:00-07:00&max-results=7) – people who get tattoos in Chinese and mostly, they’re not good. Some of them are hilarious.

Like Ariana Grande had a tattoo which was a brand of Japanese cooking grill. Maybe she just likes BBQ.

Honestly I think she got off easy with it saying Water. I’ve heard of some really bad mistranslations (not all accidental) when Westerners got Chinese characters tattooed.

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