Wait a second, birthright citizenship?!

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Remember this is a man that has never read the Constitution and clearly does not believe it applies to him and his supporters.

Does the Orange Dumbass know what it would take or what it means, to actually change birthright citizenship? No. Hell, his kids might be considered “anchor” babies. Though, folks like Stephen Miller have been working, for years, to dream up loopholes, exceptions, basically ways around the Constitution. They are certainly going to give it their best shot.

Whether they are successful or not is a moot point. The chaos is what it is about. The pain and suffering IS the point.

So his parents are out, melanoma and barron and her parents are gone.

So… he’d invalidate everyone born since the Mayflower landed?

I can get behind that.

2/3 congress. 75% oof states.
sure thing. stinky.

He’s flexing ahead of January 20th … that’s his window for bravado then comes the real work and either he’ll have to because full steam authoritarian (he might try) and of course he will fail or he’ll go back to “donny complains about everything” for 4 years and his team will damage control while we keep on seeing our power erode. Either way, it’ll be a humbling experience for all (intelligent or not) involved.

Going to be really weird when the SC will figure out if descendants of freed slaves will still qualify for citizenship since the amendment was effectively how slaves got their citizenship.  But yeah this is the timeline we live in now 

Trump thinks he is going to get a Constitutional Amendment through? In this political climate?


Isn’t he included on that too? His parents were immigrants.

So…NONE of us are American Citizens. Even the rump.

He HATES the constitution. And all who support him love him more than they do America or the constitution

So that means 4 out of 5 of his children have to leave?

Most of his MAGA followers wouldn’t be able to pass the US citizens exam.

if being born in the us doesn’t make you a citizen, what does make you a citizen? honest question. i feel dumb asking it.

Already generating problems in an area that was already fixed, neat

America after 2025:


So many commenters thinking he cares about the constitution. His whole life has been. “what if I just ignore the rules, who’s going to stop me?”

Wasn’t his mom born in Scotland? Deport him. He’s an anchor baby. Same with Elon’s kids.

Voters were warned. No time to cry now.

How far back will he be going because surely most of the population is the offspring of an immigrant, including him and his son ?

He has No idea how the Constitution works. He never has known.

Trump is the most Anti American president we have ever had

If he actually does this (which he won’t be able to), he’ll have to deport Vivek because Vivek IS a birthright citizen

All those Latinos for Trump are almost at the FAFO part of this election

So technically, with that logic, anyone except for those of Native American decent could be deported? How many generations removed does this apply to?

Can’t change the Constitution with an executive order. The process is long and arduous. Thankfully.

Ah, yes, the return of *jus sanguinis*.

Tell me, Donald, how does this apply to your wife and therefore Baron ?

I saw on twitter a black women and a Mexican women were arguing(if you’ve been on twitter you know why) and the black women is like you voted for someone who
Wants to get rid of birthright citizenship and the Mexican women was like stop believing in the media lies and that shit pissed me off because the orange dickhead says the shit out of his own mouth and yall just ignore it.

2/3 of congress? Good luck


We CAN change the second amendment, then?

So he’s effectively saying he wants the ability to label anyone as an immigrant and kick them out the country? Cause if being born here isn’t enough to make you a citizen, then none of us are citizens.

Yeah, like he could pass a citizenship test. 🙄

To him, the constitution is just a piece of ol paper.

He doesn’t need an amendment, the Supreme Court can just say that whatever he wants is actually Constitutional.

Ok, so that would mean everyone except Native Americans should be deported, including him.

On the same program he also said:

>I’m going to treat you every bit as well as I have treated the greatest MAGA supporters.

Which, considering how much he fucks them over, isn’t very reassuring.

What’s his new bar for eligibility then? Because precisely 98% aren’t indigenous to the USA technically.

Can we deport all of Elon’s kids too then?

The constitution and its amendments are only as good as the government’s willingness to enforce them as the rules we live by.

There are 2nd 3rd and 4th born generations of Mexican, etc immigrants that are maggats and think this won’t apply to them because their great great grandparents did it “correctly”. I’d suggest they look at the maga Customs BP agent that found out his dad was “illegal”, when he believed he wasn’t. They deported his stupid ass too.

Native Americans love this!

Simple, he ends it by telling the department that handles the paperwork to stop approving the paperwork. He has already installed a Supreme Court that ignores (I mean creatively interprets) the constitution, so this is just a paperwork change. The DOGE will just consider that department to be government waste and eliminate it. Why mess with that pesky constitution at all?

All this does, is show how ignorant trump and his voter base are.

The ERA was never even ratified

As if they would ever be so competent to pull this off

Well if any news outlet basically told him he has no chance in hell of doing this as well as no authority of executive action to do this, we might start having a better dialogue that prevents dipshits like this from being president.

He’s picking battles that are both popular with his base and completely unwinnable.

“Imagine all the things. Great things. Perfect things. I could have done if it weren’t for the radical Marxist leftist blocking me at every turn. SAD.”

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