Was a conservative all my life until 2020. Got my first ever bumper stickers today.

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Iโ€™m a democrat but respect the republicans that are not TrumpHumpers.

Whatโ€™s happening to the country now is beyond belief.

Such a weird and dark time to be in, never thought as a child weโ€™d sink this low. SAD

Great choice.

I was moderate right from 18-20 (born in 2000 so early adulthood), libertarian from 20-22, leftist 22-23 and now realize Iโ€™m just a social democrat.

Fuck, just treat people fairly and kept those in need, PLEASE.

Well if it helps, Iโ€™m a conservative. And I love your stickers. Rock on.

Fuck yes dude you are a real one.



It be like that sometimes

Excellent selection take out the trash.

Still conservative. Still also Hate Trump and would vote Blue anytime over him

One of my favorite stickers Iโ€™ve seen on this subreddit, Iโ€™m new though

Only thing that should be done with Nazis!

I really like those stickers.

I was raised republican and switched to dems in 2016. Welcome aboard. It’s rare and special to be able to have the self reflection to change

Based king. People like u are what democracy is built on


Well done friend.

You ate this up dude, this is amazing! <3 ๐Ÿ™‚

you will make the world a better place now.

Is there any way you can explain to me why there aren’t more of you? My whole family is conservative and now in the cult almost entirely. By freshman year of college, I totally switched, like 20 years ago. Just not enough fox news, or what?

FDT gang ayyy

What changed your mind and can you bottle it and pass it around.

Just do the reich thing I always say, buhahahaha lol ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฃ


imo anyone that opposes the current administration in any capacity is an ally, no matter how vile they are otherwise. we can hate each other again after they’re out of office

I had a tshirt with the same graphic on it. I got lots of reactions. Most of them were like “Thereโ€™s a swastika on your shirt!” or “That’s a Nazi sign. Are you a Nazi or something?” I personally thought the message was pretty clear, but apparently not.

I got tired of explaining my shirt to morons pretty quickly and stopped wearing it.

Where can I find this sticker

Buddy, you can still say youโ€™re a conservative. Iโ€™m a conservative. I just refuse to acknowledge national socialism, and I refuse to go backward in terms of rights afforded to the people. Therefore, I havenโ€™t voted Republican/conservative since he came down that escalator.

This isn’t about liberal and conservative. It’s about democracy vs fascism. We must stand together to oppose the oligarchs and Nazis.

Fuck Donald Trump.

That swastika being tossed in the garbage should just be the symbol for the GOP. I have absolutely zero respect for anyone who still calls their self a republican with what that party is doing to this country.

There are many of you. Several I know personally. Congrats on getting out. โค๏ธ

u/nleachdev – Cool! Just curious, what prompted your shift in mindset?

I hope you have lots of guns, because we lefties generally don’t buy firearms and we’re probably going to need a lot of them.

I applaud the sentiment, but Iโ€™m not putting a target on myself

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