Washington Post Cartoonist Quits After Jeff Bezos Cartoon Is Killed

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It’s astonishing how quickly the Washington Post and LA Times killed any credibility they had after over a hundred years of work put in by thousands and thousands of people to build up their reputations.

Money and corruption are destroying this country in front of our eyes and it’s incredibly sad to witness.

Some context, for anyone curious:


Ann Telnaes, a political cartoonist at the Washington Post, quit after her cartoon featuring Jeff Bezos (owner of the Post) was killed.

crazy how we don’t just call this bribery


Just like Trump promised. Freedom like you’ve never seen.

Democracy dies in oligarchy.

I remember the Simpsons constantly going after Rupert Murdoch (who owned the network they were televised on).

The fact that they killed this comic is ridiculous. Complete loss of credibility of the newspaper (or what little credibility it had).

imagine having like 250 billion dollars, sitting on your yacht with your expertly executed girlfriend, in your fully bought and paid for plastic world of your dreams, crushing human subjects for fun and profit and STILL being so fragile and small that you kill cartoons in the newspaper you own that are in anyway critical of your or your fellow thieves…

the biggest, most unbelievable snowflakes ever – its truly amazing how weak they are under their mountains of money

They will try to make anyone saying bad things about the oligarchy terrorism. They hate you

Just to confirm, that fat lard is Trump right?

From what I understand, Ann Telnaes resigned because she made a funny comic making fun of our dear leader to be, and it got unilaterally dismissed by the paper. This image was the comic in question.

And in firing her, the paper just tripped the [Streisand Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect). I would have never seen this cartoon if it actually ran in the paper.

Do you really need that Amazon account? I bet not.

It would be funny how the US is literally repeating Weimar play by play, if it wouldn’t fuck the rest of the world over too

aaaaaand Streisand Effect


What journalistic integrity did Wapo have going into this? It was dead when Bezos bought it, this only proves it. Anyone reading their “news” know should now it has a Bezos-sized filter going forward. Gross.

So the offerings are money, money, money…lipstick?

I now go out of my way to not buy from Amazon. If it costs more that I can afford somewhere else, I find another solution. Kind of like how life worked before Bozos [sic].

Spread it far and wide!

*Democracy dies in dollars.*

The entire Washington Post is a Jeff Bezos opinion piece.

Must not insult the corporate overlords.

I don’t get the Mickey, unless it’s a sacrifice I guess.

Is Capitalism a religion? It contradicts the laws of nature and has elements of an apocalyptic eschatology — infinite growth in a system with finite resources is unsustainable.

French cartoonists died for drawing a prophet respected by a billion people and took the same risk again.

“…and the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made…”

Here’s her substack: [Why I’m quitting the Washington Post](https://anntelnaes.substack.com/p/why-im-quitting-the-washington-post?r=zex7&triedRedirect=true)

“As an editorial cartoonist, my job is to hold powerful people and institutions accountable. For the first time, my editor prevented me from doing that critical job. So I have decided to leave the *Post*. I doubt my decision will cause much of a stir and that it will be dismissed because I’m just a cartoonist. But I will not stop holding truth to power through my cartooning, because as they say, “Democracy dies in darkness”.”

That cartoon is fair and not even controversial… what’s the prob- oh right, it’s the owner of the Post.

So the oligarchs are censoring the media. What a big fat surprise!

Democracy Dies In Darkness isn’t that on the Masthead at WaPo. So disappointing been subscribing to WaPo for 30 years May have to rethink my newsfeed

High heels, tiny hands, centaur stance, and too long tie. I think I know who that’s supposed to be.

Washington Post 2017–2020: **DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS**


Just this morning I was watching the Daily Show clip with Lina Khan and Stewart talking about how Apple wouldn’t let him have her on his podcast.

This country is so done.

Just canceled my subscription

I dig it!

Boy that’s a lot of [deleted].

Love this cartoon!!

Free press was never free.

Art documents life.

Well, at least we have the cartoon so we can share it around, it’s just a rough that wasn’t signed yet, drawn by: Ann Telnaes


“As an editorial cartoonist, my job is to hold powerful people and institutions accountable. For the first time, my editor prevented me from doing that critical job. So I have decided to leave the *Post*. I doubt my decision will cause much of a stir and that it will be dismissed because I’m just a cartoonist. But I will not stop holding truth to power through my cartooning, because as they say, “Democracy dies in darkness”.

Look, if you’re not making one of these sociopaths rich it’ll just be another one.

WaPo has been total garbage since that bald scammer got his paws on it 

Eye needs more wonkiness for full Bezos effect

The cartoon is the absolute truth.

Almost like rich billionaires care more about money than integrity. What a crazy thought!

At some point, we have to fight back.

Stop giving them money. Show them supporting him is bad for business. A lot of people on here bitching used amazon this holiday season.

Don’t care. I cut my subscription after Bezos pussed out on the WaPo endorsement. Democracy may die in darkness, but WaPo ain’t the only light out there.

It’s all part of the plan. Get everyone tired of the media so they stop paying attention to the incoming theft. Thanks republicans. Set us back a few decades

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