Wasn’t SpaceX being fined by the FAA for safety violations?

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Well that’s frightening


Safety first, as long as it doesn’t affect profits

How are Americans letting Musk run the country he’s doing deals with India and no doubt Russia . He’s removing the guard rails to allow him to violate every labour environmental safety rule etc to run his empire. He’s killing ev charging competition that Biden was funding. This is extremely scary scenario. wake up America you have an South African in charge who is clearly a racist Nazi piece of white trash

Do you remember Chernobyl ? And the fall of the USSR afterwards ?

What kind of Chernobyl level disaster are you going to let this incompetent fool cause ?

Putin is looking at this with a hard on.

The rich are taking over. Yay

He wants to replace NASA with SpaceX

Corruption at it’s finest.

Create a problem then force the government to hire his company to solve the problem he created. That’s his business model.

The NLRB also had a couple dozen investigations going into Musk-owned companies so, chop, off with their heads

You’re missing the point.

This is what they’re doing six weeks in. This is just the beginning.

The end game is to turn every government function over to the companies. All the “small government” bullshit they’ve been pushing the last 50 years?

Extrapolate. There’s money to be made, lives be damned.

You think privatized medical insurance is bad? Privatizing the FAA sucks now, and if you have to fly, you’ll pay more. Wait until you see privatized police.

Because rocket science and traffic control have such a huge overlap? The circles in that Venn diagram aren’t in the same room with each other.

And the way his companies work is to “fail fast” and learn from mistakes

Do his companies have good safety records? Tesla’s have a reputation for a number of hazardous things (such as bursting into flames).

Makes me wonder if he isn’t jacking with the electronics on the planes to cause the crashes.

Planes are going to crash 💥

That’s definitely an opinion, however I would still feel safer with a 2nd and 3rd and maybe even a 4th expert opinion.

It tracks. I alone can fix this… Because who better knows how to fix something than the one who broke it?

Wow uppity African. You nailed it! You are on the up n up for sure! Yas queen keep slaying!

Contract to himself and completely screw everything up…..well I mean we are seeing it now. Hooray! America is great. 🤡

Why fix a problem without profiting when you can fix a problem while profiting!!
What if there isn’t a problem? Why you just create a problem! That is the beauty of capitalism!

The same SpaceX that’s being investigated for a bad safety record? Oops.

Safety is our first first priority.

Doesn’t space x have a track record of their craft exploding?

Even better: they blew up a launch pad because he didn’t think all the design elements meant for safely venting the rocket exhaust were necessary.

Doesn’t SpaceX blow up a lot of rockets?

Are these the same engineers that want to strap people to ICBMs and fly them from New York to Beijing?  

The guy who blows up rockets wants you to travel by rocket… 


Yes and yup!

We aren’t cutting spicex? I bet not. More funding I bet.

Given space-x motto of fail fast, most flights won’t leave the jurisdiction of the departing air control…

It’s called state capture

And osha for safety violations

So blatantly corrupt

Dismantle the government and has the funds to privatize that very function and lie that he fix something.

Also, launching rockets and safely coordinating thousands of aircraft are not in any way related. Apples and oranges, people.

Great idea, there is a lot of overlap between airplane safety and rocketships.

When is it okay for the planes to explode? They all just do one-way trips, right?

The man is a gigantic conflict of interest.. The only thing he’s after is becoming the world’s first trillionaire and being untouchable by the law.

Magas literally voted in “Soros” and are cheering like a bunch of yapping seals.
Guess america will be fast forwarding to the cyberpunk future, but not the cool one, just the “corporations own everything” type.

Ope, there it is

So Boeing, Airbus, etc have to work closely with SpaceX, sharing trade secrets, or their aircraft wont be allowed in the US.

With this administration, the most cynical view seems to become reality…

LITERALLY conflict or interest in its most pure form

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