Watch out for them, especially this time of year

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true friends, I wish I had one

I hereby speak for everyone else whois the depressed friend. Please leave us alone. It’s worse having to send someone away for being annoying if you care about them and it feels like hurting them because of it so it just makes it worse kinda. Hope this is understandable and sorry if you disagree

As the depressed friend:
If you are visiting the depressed friend make sure you have something fun planned or have space to leave them be while also being being there. If you don’t have either of these it will just be worse since the depressed person will feel like they are being a bother to the visitor.

Thats a really terrible idea.

dont stress them more than you have to. Dont go over if they dont want you to.


Then you annoy them and probably have a fight, possibly ending the friendship

Why are you checking IN him?

has anyone seen the Norwich city football club commercial about suicide awareness? EXTREMELY powerful.

I mean we’re not BESTFRIENDS if I’m gonna let you feel that alone, might as well come over so we can hang out for you to feel a little better.

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