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At this point, aging is a luxury I can’t afford.

LMAO this is hilarious because it’s my birthday 😭

Bro really said “Buying a birthday card? In THIS economy?!”

I would call my cell phone company and see if they can switch me from unlimited text and calls to free after 9pm in this economy

A picture is worth a thousand words, not dollars

I do this for real though (don’t judge me)

It’s the thought that count right…….right???!!!!

I splurged for my birthday this year, nothing too fancy.

Yeah, I learned my lesson and spent WAY TOO MUCH money I didn’t intend on spending

My birthday is Thursday #30&thriving ✨

It’s the thought that counts

I just made a screencap, so I can send this to my friends for their birthdays. Cardception!

Ma 13787top

It’s the thought that counts.

I’m moving into a new place,

today is my new roomates DOGS birthday.

she sang the whole happy birthday song to her dog, his gift was a single dog treet birthday cookie.

girl couldnt even afford to get her beloved dog some steak on his birthday.

I wanted to laugh, but then I thought about it and actually this is pretty sad

If this is as Target, that card probably costs $5

If he’s at the hallmark store that thing is 6.95!

Fuck sake, cards are like $7.95 now…when the fuck did they stop being like $3?!

Just checked this still existed: wrongcards.com, created back in the golden age of the internet. Had these amazing anti-sentimental, anti-consumerist ecards. No ads either.

EDIT: [Site is still up](https://wrongcards.com)

I support this as a birthday message.

To be honest, I think a lot of us are starved for heartfelt gestures so go ahead and make that diy gift for your friend to save some money.

It’s my birthday today and I know exactly how he feels. I got 1 present and I still feel like it was too much.

Don’t buy me shit, just love me

My birthday was today and all I really want anymore is to go to an affordable chain restaurant I like anyways and my husband can’t complain about the quality or inauthenticity. We went to Macaroni Grill because I enjoyed it with my grandparents growing up and my husband from an Italian immigrant family’s opinion was to be kept himself. He didn’t complain and just let me enjoy. Complimented the bread. Great 36th birthday. I also got the new tablet I needed.

Is a five-dollar footlong now a luxury vacation?

happy birthday

This is so Pisces coded I’m not even believing rn

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