We are entering the Find Out era

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They will get what they deserve. I just wish I wasn’t gonna get it too. 😕

Naw I’d say we’re still fucking around

The caravan of immigrants that Trump was warning his base about turned out to be a single South African immigrant.

They played the ultimate game of fuck around and find out.

And the billionaire media is shocked people love Luigi.

Face, meet Leopard.

Pretty bold move in a country where the poor have easy access to firearms, I’ll give em that.

The final stages of capitalism

I’m sure they’ll just say that it’s taken out of context. He didn’t mean it like that. Hunters laptop, trans bud light bathroom defund education something something something

George Carlin called it ages ago. It’s an exclusive club and you ain’t in it but you voted for it anyways.

I love how this is starting to unravel for them. It’s not even January yet!

Is that avie Meatloaf or 70s Elvis?



Waiting for the vintage.

– John Steinbeck, *The Grapes of Wrath*

They want to pick and choose the immigrants they want here. But I don’t think those tech workers are gonna pick fruits and vegetables, slaughter beef and pork, mow lawns and do landscaping, and or minimum wage jobs that will go begging.

We’re all going to be shitting in the street soon

We’re all fucked either way.

White people are just as capable as everyone else at finding out that tokens get spent.

MAGAs are finding out what everyone else knew all along. Except for the fact that everyone is getting fucked. Not just the MAGAs.

As a European, I worry for my brave brothers in Ukraine and if the war could then venture further into Europe.

This billionaire that said he doesn’t care about me is going to help me – a moron

There’s gonna be a lot of “I told you so” flying around, but it’s too late!

No matter what happens, they’ll blame it on the Democrats, 100% guaranteed!

They will take as many of us out in the process as possible

MAGA hasn’t even officially taken office yet, ffs! Where is all this legislation occurring? Via tweets??

They have fallen in line after Trump backed Musk. Their new talking point is that Trump promised to reduce “illegal” immigration, not legal immigration.

Somehow ignoring that Trumps entire thing was that legal immigration process was damaged and needs to be dissolved.

These fucking mush brains.

Unfortunately we’re going to find out too.

Billionaires doing billionaire things, just like they always have. If Republicans are surprised by this they haven’t been paying attention the last 40 years.

All they have to do is work like the immigrants – take less wages and work more hours… pretty sure that’ll keep the billionaires happy.

Amazing how quickly we entered that phase.

They’ll get what they deserve then use that anger to blame Democrats and the Republican base will eat it up.

You should be required to pass some kind of intelligence test before being allowed to vote. We would be in much better shape as a country. Too much stupid is ruining it for everyone else.

But don’t worry as long as they can buy a gun everything will be ok.

They get everything they voted for

And the administration hasn’t even changed over yet. That’s what blows my mind.

So will the DNC learn the lesson best embodied in the phrase “we lost to *this guy*?” I’ve seen no sign yet that they will

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