We are evolving backwards.

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Dare Mike Lee to switch out an incandescent light bulb that has just been turned off. When he fries his fingertips say, “Oh, I bet the next one won’t do that.” Repeat ad nauseum.

That’s why we’re using LED now

Obligatory fuck Mike Lee

What is the obsession with the right and light bulbs? Is there a chapter in the Bible praising the great incandescent prophet I’m not aware of? They literally forget that the word conservative is based on the premise to ‘conserve’. What a bunch of morons and sheep.

Gonna need more than dim bulbs to light up that decision-making process.

Horse and buggy next!!

How are Mike Lee and incandescent light bulbs similar? Both run hot, waste energy, and require constant changing.

Does he own stock in a power company?
Because that is the only way they the old style bulbs are better.

LEDs are cheaper brighter safer use less energy and last longer.

I miss the warm glow of these bulbs but good god did they suck energy. They’re heat bulbs not light bulbs.

What the fuck is wrong with Republicans?

Look at that inbred smile

So, he wants to increase my electric bill. This Russia asset should shut up. This asshole wants to take away my Social Security and Medicare so he can give tax breaks to billionaires, while drawing a paycheck from the Federal Government with the best medical and pension money can buy. People of Utah what is wrong with you.

I can never understand these people… like why though? just to have some weird contrarian stance on something that will “upset liberals” when it only leaves them confused and concerned for your mental health?

Never mind the text. Isn’t that image the Technology Connections channel logo??

Regression for the sake of regression.

Let’s waste electricity for no reason. MAGGOTS sure have a thing for innefficient solutions to inexistent problems

For years the lightbulb industry had the market cornered and would design lightbulbs to burn out after a predictable period of time (much shorter than our technology necessitated), in order to force consumers to buy more.

This scum bag – oops I meant republican – is probably just in the pocket of whatever geriatric tyrants are still alive from that era, and want it to return.

How else do you power your lava lamp?

Why are republicans so god damned stupid? Democrats should’ve let COVID rip through the population, wiping more of them out

How the fuck did you Americans manage to turn fucking light bulbs into a political topic?

New stuff sucks. We were better off with hot light bulbs, unpasteurized milk, and needing to have eight kids so two might survive. Bring back the old days!

It’s a mystery any of these dumb fucks even survived childhood. This is generational moronics at work here and we have the great misfortune of overpaying for it.

What is up with them choosing everything bad? Why are they constantly making this shit into a team sport where “dems supported LEDs, therefore I support worse products that’ll cost Americans more and be worse for the environment. Gotta show those lefties”

Guy clearly has a light bulb factory that needs a payday.

They even had the technology to make those bulbs last much muchlonger but “big lightbulb” legitimately conspired to only make garbage bulbs so they could sell them forever.

Hey. They’re bringing back polio, diphtheria, tuberculosis, rubella, ramping up greenhouse gas, why not this too? Let’s put lead back into gas and hey, why not just let kids play with mercury? They look shiny and fun! We’ll likely soon to get flavored bleach in heavy duty plastic bottle that comes with a colorful set of straws too.

MAGAs are obsessed with light bulbs, it’s a very emotional topic for them.

Republicans are anti-anything positive.

Why is it that republicans are so uniformly fucking stupid? Like not even just the voter base. The politicians who aren’t just clever grifters are complete morons.

Between climate denial and raw milk and whatever the fuck the agenda is behind this shit, it’s just all so terrifyingly backwards.


They get mad about the silliest things. But that’s why they voted for him – to air their grievances

The incandescent lightbulb is a metaphor. They just want to relive the glory days of white supremacy and American excess.

This is some real lost cause shit.

what a schmuck someone needs to slap the stupid out of this cracker.

Who’s getting money for this? Follow the money, and see who’s profiting, that’s where most answers lie.

“Things that are new are automatically scary.” -average Trump voter

Might as well bring back oil lamps

It’s occurring to me more and more that the core, fundamental conservative principle is to just be wrong about fucking everything.

Like many other republicans it seems like his only strategy here is to piss off democrats.

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