We are not a cult

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Dumb as a box of rocks though.

My favorite was the cult wearing their Depends diapers in solidarity with their dear leader.

“We’re not in a Cult”—Every cult ever.

Why would you do this? They look like grown adults but act like toddlers

Pathetic losers

What the hell is this?

Some of the dumbest representatives of the human race.

The real Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Well, they needed those ear bandages about as much as he did.

I would never, ever, not even once, consider doing something like this for a fucking politician. I’ll vote for who I want to lead but I’m not a fan of any of them. We aren’t their groupies.

What a waste of pads.


That’s where they drilled the holes in their heads to drain all the common sense out. Can’t be MAGA with any of that “brain goo.”

Conservatism is basically narcissism by definition. They don’t care about anything about their own comfort. They want to preserve the status quo when it benefits them, and they want to change things when it benefits them.

And the most important thing to recognize about narcissism is that it preys on people’s desire to feel important. That’s why religious people are so susceptible to it. A very large number of Christians absolutely revel in the idea that they are *important* to their god’s plan for the world.

I’m glad I recognize there’s nothing *universally* important about any of what goes on here. Any importance we choose to give the events that happen is entirely temporary.

Buncha weirdos

I wonder what a signed one goes for?

Same people to laugh at you for wearing a mask

Ridiculous stupid people.

Utter madness.

So did it grow back or never happen? Can’t tell

They’re just a “friendly racist group”

*insert gif of that here*

Tampax salesperson of the year is…


Regressive chimps

I wonder if in 2000 years time a cottonwool ball taped over an ear will be the symbol of the Church of Trump?

Best part, trump was never shot. It happened from the fall from the agent moving him to the ground. Zero physician reports at the time of the accident and 1 press release from a controlled personal physician that didn’t state or show a gunshot wound.

Helen Keller had more sense

Die hard Van Gogh fans?

Total losers

What was the motive here?? Bad look for these small brains

I don’t consider myself a republican or democratic but what a bunch of fucking twits.

I don’t think I was ever quite prepared for just how big dorks they’d be. Were they this dorky in the ’30s in Germany?

With Depends on outside their trousers (likely inside too)

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