We are proud of dad too

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I punched the school bully in grade school when he started picking on my younger brother. The bully was way bigger than us. I was a little intimidated, but was more worried about my brother. I was sent to the principles office cause they first thought I initiated the disagreement. The bully eventually became nicer and we became friends in the end.

I made my youngest brother do this to his bully whilst at school. We both got sent to the head master (principal for all you Americans) because of it, my brother got a weeks worth of lunch break detentions and I ended up getting suspended for a week as I argued with him after he said I should have spoken to the head of my brothers year, he didn’t like that I had already done so and nothing had changed or happened ( due to the bullys mum was a teacher at the school) so I decided to take matters in my own hands and got my brother to smack the bully to stop the bullying. In the end, the bully didn’t even dare look my brother in the eyes, let alone bully him again. I call that a win in my books.

In middle school, my now 15 year old daughter had a friend with alopecia. She was getting bald spots and 2 boys were making fun of her and she started crying. They just got meaner. My daughter picked up the girls backpack and hit one of the boys in the face and busted his nose. Her friend and the boys went to the principal. She told us after school and was scared she was gonna get suspended. We told her if she did, she would not be in any trouble at home. Her friend didnโ€™t tell on her and took the suspension. 2 stand up girls and Iโ€™m still proud of both.

I did that too after months of being bullied (petite female). School called my father and the father of the boy who was bullying me. Bullyโ€™s father took a swing at my father (older than bullyโ€™s father) and my father hit back. Being a former boxer paid off. Got a week off school and never got bullied again while I was at that school.

In first grade I was suspended for punching a bully in the face. He pushed a girl down and laughed at her while she was crying. I decked him in the nose with all my 6 year old might.

My Mom was very proud.

Enjoy your time together!

Literally my son today! He got a milkshake and two days off school

I (female) slapped a male bully across the face after months and months of harassment. He had my handprint on his face even hours later. I was eventually called into the principalโ€™s office and asked why I slapped him and I told the principal I was tired of being bullied and that Iโ€™d had enough. The principal looked at the kid and then said โ€œWhat are you looking to get out of this?โ€ The kid said โ€œAn apology.โ€ So to avoid any punishment, I apologized. They called my parent and when I got home she asked me about it and I told her and she was proud of me. Never got in trouble. Kid never even looked at me again, much less attempted to bully me.

Great parenting

standing up to a bully deserves a reward

This is the way

Friend of the Tate brothers. Says they’re innocent….

Sometimes hitting someone back is the only way. Way to go dad.

son was suspended for defending a kid with downs syn ( four boys pushing kid around) son handled it, in principals office i asked what happened to the other4 boys, refused to tell me, turned right to my son and asked him what new video game he wanted to play the next 3 days, principal was aghast, i said never punish a person that did the right thing


Bet your ass.. Good dad.

As a father you say, “‘Violence is never the answer,” is what you say after the other guy is bleeding and on the ground.”

probably an unpopular opinion, but I also informed my kids to defend themselves against any bullying. I said to give them one chance to stop, then they were free to do what was necessary to make them stop. I gave them my story about defending myself in 3rd grade as an example.

The two oldest had to do so in middle school, and were also suspended for defending themselves, even though there was ample evidence to show they were not at fault. We also enjoyed a fun day out and then I reported the school to the district HQ and had their suspensions removed from their records.

Dad here with 5 sons and a baby girl. My 11 and 8 year old are best friends or rival enemies depending on the moment.

They refuse to tell my wife and I the full story, but one day at school during recess or snack break, my 8 year old and his buddies were goofing off way off to the side away from everyone and the teachers.

They won’t tell me if the 11 year old instigated it or what lead up to it, but the older kids friend decided to try and tackle my 8 year old.

The 11 year old isnt as outgoing and is my child with my passive meek ex wife. My 8 year old is my first born with my very confident and very dangerous wife.

Our 8 year old was knocked to the ground, kicked the kid in the balls while mounting him, and started punching him until the other kids pulled him off.

He didn’t start it. He finished it. He got frozen yogurt.

My son has had ONE physical altercation in school โ€” he cold clocked a kid who had inappropriately touched a friend of his.

Honestly I didnโ€™t have a bad word to say about it. School talked to him and he had zero consequences once they heard the backstory from the original victim.

He is otherwise the most respectful and compassionate kid ever. Sometimes you gotta right the balance in your universe. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

Give him a hug for me and an extra ride

I punched the kid who bullied me for years in the face and broke his glasses, which cut his cheek. His mom called the school and I got suspended for three days and my parents were super pissed. I had to do a ton of extra chores and lost video games. Can I get a clothes shopping day? Please?

EDIT: 37 year-old man ๐Ÿ‘‹

I was a bully in high school. Just intimidation. I regret it.

2nd grade. I fancied myself as being one of the more popular kids in my grade. My best friend and I were called Zack and Slater by the other kids. (If you know you know). Anyways, one day, the school bully and his 2 goons walk up to me after lunch and the bully gets in my face and says something. Now. I have no idea what he said, all I remember is coming back to reality and I had him up against the lockers screaming โ€œdonโ€™t ever mess with me again or Iโ€™ll kick your fucking ass!โ€ It was like I had blanked out, went on autopilot, and just reacted. The look in his eyes is something Iโ€™ll never forget. That and his next words. โ€œOh oh ohh ok man Iโ€™m sorry man I was just uhh joking manโ€โ€ฆ in a scared little boy voice.. I released my grasp on him and let him go from the lockersโ€ฆ my friend said it almost looked like my eyes went completely black.. to this day I remember that moment vividly. Happened in 1992. Iโ€™ve always had a strong aversion to bullies since that day. I also know that, if pushed, under the right circumstances, Iโ€™ll turn into a different being and will put a bully in their place.

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I was suspended from school for fighting with my middle school bully. I just spent the time at my grandparent’s hanging out with them. I don’t even understand why suspension is considered a punishment. It’s more like a vacation. ๐Ÿ˜›

Unlike the people’s stories I’m reading about how they became friends with their bully, I never did. He sucker punched me a few times after that. He would even pick on people larger than him. I’m not sure why they would put up with it. Perhaps they were scared of being suspended. I look into what happened to my bully in life from time to time. He’s gotten into trouble for a lot of things: fighting with a cop, selling brass knuckles, drugs, and arson. I can’t find his record anymore. I’m not sure why not. It would be good if he dropped dead. He’s a terrible person.

got three daughters. done that three times.

scolding at the principal’s office. high five, junk foods and toy shopping after.

That didnโ€™t happen

when I had a bully, I waited a few days after the abuse and I slipped a printed letter into his backpack telling him all the different ways that he was not good enough, and nobody liked him

they suspected a few people and they called me into the office along with others and of course I lied my way out.

kid had to go to therapy afterwards started wearing all black and shit.

Donโ€™t fucking bully me.

grade 7

Plot Twist: OP’s perfect little angel is actually the bully, and he recently learned how to manipulate his parents into amusement park and shopping trips.

I don’t get it, are there just like russian bot farms whose job it is to go online and make up stories about how violence is the answer? this fucking sucks.

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