we are really beautiful

By JLF2411
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Just wait until hot martian chicks with 3 breasts find out about out this

In the unknown universe, an unknown number of winners may have occurred.

You donโ€™t know that. Maybe they host their own miss universe competitions, but donโ€™t invite earth.

I, for one, would love to see alien and eldritch contestants

Light years ahead of the competition.

I’m apprehensive about what alien boobs would look like. Not sure we should be looking for aliens

You donโ€™t know that. One of them could be a lizard person in disguise!

* vain

Miss Maryland USA: 1 Asian Male
Rest of the known universe plus every where here without a Baltimore zip code: O

Is it just me who thinks there are aliens somewhere if they ever see us they’ll be like ….”YUUUUCK. EEEEWWWW. Look at the thing. So ugly. With 4 appendages hanging like and what’s with that frail body?”

Planet Zipblorp, which is roughly 20 light years away, also thinks they’re the only winners

how do we correct them?

The judges are biased, they are all from that same planet.

Checkmate, people who think there are other species out there

they must be called Miss Earth then

imagine an independence day like mothership coming only to drop off some alien women to compete for miss universe

Get bent Cemtaur 16!!

” There it is… Miss universe… there it is… Looking weeeeeird. “

The joke’s just keep coming so funny much

Earth is the USA of the universe

TIL the rest of the known universe is like a blurry earth. I guess they got blurry chicks?

“Goodbye mooooon men..!

Itโ€™s the baseball World Series on a bigger scale haha

Other planets: “You gave them to yourself.”

Earth: And??…*Flips hair*

We gotta be doing something right, right?!?!

Except aliens donโ€™t exist only outside of other countries ๐Ÿ˜‚

Apparently New York has the most Miss America winners and the U.S has the most Miss Universe. No surprise on the later.

The egoistic planet smh

Undefeated baby letโ€™s gooooo

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