We can all agree this is the worst monster in Wilds right?

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Only if you can’t reach it. I had no problems with my lance.

Honestly ive had no issues, even hammer was simple enough.

The octopodes though, bit tougher getting uaed to them.

I had a blast fighting it and I like how it hangs upside down to rest

Hated it when i went for it with dual blades, but then i picked bow and don’t care anymore

I’d say Balahara but its still a solid Monster. There is no outright bad Monster among all the new ones.

Flash it, attack the tail, fire the broken tail parts at it when it gets back up. Rinse and repeat. Dies in like 2-3 minutes.

I’m a great sword user btw, once you build “momentum,” it basically just stays on the ground.

Just use flash pods to have no problems.

as an IG it’s one of my favs. It is the perfect size to get hit the most by big bug tornado

Insect Glaive loves this guy lol

When you’re laying spread shots with the HBG it feels abusive to call this thing a monster.

I love fighting them with charge blade, the feeling when you knock down 3 of them with one swing is just awesome.

There are no bad monsters in wilds

Nah, Gypceros can eat shit.

I think I agree, not because it’s a bad monster in any way, but because every monster is so good that Hirabami’s “good” feels lackluster. Put Hirabami in base world or rise and it would be a solid middle of the road monster, but this game has just too high of competition for it.

(Also I hold a grudge against this thing, it clipped out of bound in my 1st hunt right before it died, forcing a new completely healthy one to become the quest target instead. Had to kill 2 just for one single quest.)

I don’t think there is a bad monster in the whole game, but I do think Quemetrice is the most forgettable – even if it is a good teaching monster for newbies. Hirabami are a cool design and a creative use of that skeleton. It’s in the air a lot, but it’s never hard to hit, and it has highly telegraphed attacks and a great armor set. If you let them go back to their nest in the Wyverian lands, you find out that they look like that because they evolved to blend in with the architecture. It might not be the flashiest or the coolest monster, but as a dev I have a great deal of respect for this one.

Calls it the worst monster in Wilds. Provides no reasoning.

Nope can’t agree.

Love this roster. Got some annoying move sets but love them otherwise.

No, that’s still Congalala.

That’s the wrong gravios picture

Wait till kushala makes the dlc

Up until last night I would’ve agreed but after getting me killed during a Jin dahaad fight the worst monster is the seikret

You kidding? This monster is a love letter to Glaive mains!

Why? It’s easy. Not annoying either. I’d rather fight it than many other monsters.

Wait…this isn’t a picture of Uth Duna

Nah, none of the monsters are bad but I will say Hirabami feels the most forgettable to me

It’s actually one of my favorite fights. Maybe cuz once u make it fall you can spam Crimson Slash with LS and open up wounds. Also the satisfying tail breaks.

I never had issues with this monster, easy to hit, easy to ground and just a quick hunt in general. I’ve fought it with Hammer, GL, GS and HH with no problems. Every monster in Wilds has been great tbh.

Sorry is this a meme I’m too IG pilled to understand?

Bug and baguette supremacy

I think he’s awesome, super unique and awesome gear

No i can’t agree i love absolutely destroying these things. Also drip is top tier.

Swaxe was a fun fight for it

No.. its gypsiros or whatever, the chicken dragon. Hirambe is the least annoying monster in the game. The first time i fought them i thought you had to kill all 3 : D. Use an insect glaive and he is easy to hit and doesnt fight back.

Id be tempted to agree if it weren’t for the fact its weapons are great ice weapons before you get to the ice monkey

Wait, how is this a bad monster? Do people actually dislike Hirabami? Am I missing something vital?

Its such a fun monster to fight. Well telegraphed moves, satisfying hitboxes, great variation in it’s “flying” and “ground” states.

It honestly suffers from the same problems as most other monsters imo:

* Status attacks are weak and negligible
* No hard areas where weapon bounces
* Low HP Pool
* A lot of “standing around” with attacks that does not affect your hunter

Other than that, its honestly one of my favorite monsters in Wilds. We have way too few hovering monsters, and Hirabami is a super cool concept. Hope we get a variant down the line!

Congalala is right there

As a Greatsword player… Yea, anything that flies is the bane of my existence. That’s why I avoided Rathalos until I was HR 110 when I needed part for his Greatsword

Uth Duna has entered the chat

I wondered how people would feel about a monster who flies 90% of the fight, but I personally love it. I’ve yet to use a weapon against it that struggles to hit it since you can most always hit the tail at minimum. Even usung SnS, I had no trouble. It also easily gets knocked down to the ground and the fight is short too.

Honestly, for their first attempt at a hovering monster that isn’t Elder Dragon tier; “10/10, need more tail claws.” Seriously, tail claws, I need all of them. Those weapons look amazing. Have you *seen* how flowy that Lance is? *Beautiful!*

No. Fire monkey is worse.

It’s pretty weak and kind of annoying so yeah.

Sucks even with the lance

Probably the favourite monster of Kinsect Glave mains.

I play as a horse archer so no lol.

Cool weapons and armor, fight is actually easy as hell. All you need is some flash pods. Skill issue i smell

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