We don’t seem to be learning.

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Well, one billionaire and 9 broke people is still an average fortune of 100 million. Statistics don’t lie, so explain that, Atheists!

Wealth means nothing if everything costs like 3x as much as in a normal country.

Technically it is 8.

But remember, Americans are brainwashed into thinking that they too could one day be a billionaire!


The country where people can’t afford housing, medicine, transportation, and increasingly even food isn’t the wealthiest?

That’s kind of like saying that the country that offers is citizens no “free time” isn’t free.

We also don’t do a lot of research, because we arent the wealthiest. We are 9th

Came here to say this lol theyre overestimating the average american.

Wealthiest when you can go broke because of illness ? what a joke

At least we have the mightiest military in the world to keep the “enemy from within” from disobeying.

Haha jokes on you. I answered emails on my day off because I felt guilty for taking the entire week off.

America is considered to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world? 😳😲

I’m NGL, I have admired America for the longest time, and even today, i love the good people of America while I’m not so fond of the other side. And i know it’s considered to be a “First world country”.

But i also know it’s currency is not the best. (There are various other countries) And I know a lot of people struggle to make ends meet.

So, sorry to say, I have NEVER considered America to be one of the wealthiest or even close to that. 😅

And now, I’m genuinely worried about how wrecked are people’s lives gonna be post 2025. 💔

It will trickle down

[The USA ranks #20th in HDI, ahead of countries like Japan and France. All things considered, USA isn’t as horrible as Reddit makes it out to be.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index)

The known wealth of oil rich Arab countries is severely under reported.. be surprised it USA is remotely the richest anymore.

No. No we’re not learning.

are you sure they’re learning?

Jokes on you we learned nothing.

the argument I hear from the right is that we are supposed to make every effort to keep those rich people here in the US so we shouldn’t try to tax them higher or anything. because something something we all benefit or something?

my opinion is that they can go do their business somewhere else, get taxed to high hell, and our competition here can actually start to grow.

The French Revolution comes to mind…

Yeah, but some of them want to keep it that way, because they think they’ll be one of the five someday. And anything else iS cOmMuNiSm!

It’s like we’re China

Americans don’t learn

Debt to GDP ratio just hit 200%. Whoops!

Hah! “Americans learning”


^(. . . “Good morning sir, welcome to costco”)

My boss LOVED the title he had, but when it came to “earning the title” he was abhorrent and defensive.
I’m just saying that our country is flaky, false, feigning, fucked….what else? Somebody help me. It’s systemic. We’ve learned how easy it is to create illusions of grandeur, but under the surface is the most hypocritical, contradictory, immoral, decadent smegma acting as a fuel.
America’s corruption is on display. This shouldn’t be a surprise.
Oh yeah, false confidence is losing value every day.

I cannot image how history will record this era.

I’m sorry what do they mean by Americans and learning? About half of us new and the other half isn’t learning a thing.

Dude has a 2 sentence wikipedia.

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