We found a full unopened bottle of vodka on our garbage can this morning…

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The possums are giving you a lil housewarming gift

Someone is fighting the good fight. F##k that bottle brother. You got this.

could be someone who’s an addict? had a weak moment, bought a bottle, and on their walk home decided it’s not worth it.

Or maybe someone who was walking down ur street really drunk, stopped to do a cool trick (like a cartwheel) and forgot they set the bottle down 😂 that is weird tho but that vodka is dirt cheap

Someone is sick and tired of being sick and tired? But if they are an alcoholic like me I hope that trash can is far away from them.


Save it. Great for cleaning glass and tinctures even if you dont trust it to drink it.

The alcoholic, and believe me only an alcoholic would buy that brand of vodka, probably stashed it so the spouse didn’t catch them thinking they would come back to get it later. Pour it out if you didn’t already.

Once had a neighbor think I was the greatest guy ever for leaving him a beer on his stoop, didn’t have the heart to tell him theres fraternity up the street and a kid probably ditched the bottle there on his way home

Did they not leave any mixers? Pffft sorry kiddos I’m too old to drink straight garbage vodka

dont EVER drink alcohol you didnt buy

Russian propaganda is getting out of hand

Cheap gut-rot shit right there, even if it wasnt poisoned or spiked i wouldn’t touch the stuff.

Sorry , it was a wild night.

You need to talk to your garbage can, it may be asking for help

Probably someone who’s in AA or recovery and was about to relapse but had second thoughts.

Fucking vodka fairy visited you!

There’s a stumbledrunk somewhere trying to figure out where they left their vodka.

Someones turning their life around.

Good for them.

Looks like someone made a judgement call here.

I want to think it was someone who was having a really bad day but they have been sober for years. They bought the bottle, but instead of drinking it they put it on your random trash can.

I’ve seen this SVU….

Vodka themed cryptoid in your area? Like an alcoholic sasquatch?

If it’s sealed, I’d just take it as a gift from the raccoons . Like a sort of “We’re sorry for the messes we’ve made” gift.

Someone misplaced their walking liquor

When my kid played club baseball my husband and the rest of the coaches were prepping fields. When they opened a dumpster there was probably $1,500 worth of alcohol stashed carefully, inside a garbage bag, set inside a box. The coaches swiped it all, we took it on the team road trip to Omaha. I feel kind of bad because we really ruined some teenagers Fourth of July party. But also meh.

When you decide to quit drinking, you don’t need to drink all you have first, I suppose.

that shit belongs there

Wife said stop drinking. Husband said here is a gift to my wonderful neighbor.

Someone decided to quit drinking right in front of your house and your garbage can probably save their life

Someone decided to quit, good for them!


Someones’s mom said no

What now atheists!?!?!?

Similar story. I drove my truck to a friends’ house. Went inside for a bit and when I came out, I found half a bottle of vodka in the bed. I left it there and drove home. Went back out to my truck about an hour later and noticed that the vodka had been stolen. I hope it was vodka. It was winter in a northern state, and it wasn’t frozen, so I know that it wasn’t water based, but honestly it could’ve been anything. Acetone, MEK, etc.

That may be literally the worst vodka available.

No mixer can hide that chemical burn.

If it was Tito’s of better I’d consider it.

Someone has the DTs right now

Someone either made a life choice and is trying to sober up, or they were drunk and meant to hide it in their own bin.



Saw a cop and got scared

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