We had them at home, son

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At least he’s still getting use out of them 🤭

Why did you erase original tweet’s info?

Don’t know what you got til it’s gone and some other kid’s playing with her…I mean it.

playing with other kids is different than playing alone

Maybe he was too young when he got them to appreciate it yet, but at least hes having fun with it now.

He likes them now because he can show them off.

“The grass is always greener on the other side”

Don’t tell him, he’ll stop playing with them.

Simple everything is more fun with friends . Any game I play instantly becomes way better when it’s a multiplayer game with friends

Lol, gotta love the kid logic. It’s not about the toys, it’s about the location. Same toy, but in a different house? Absolute game changer.

My kids loved the idea of donating their younger kids toys to a family friend down the street that runs a daycare. So when they visit the house, they get to see their old toys being played with by little kids. It’s a great feeling. Similarly, watching my son play with my childhood toys (lego, hot wheels) that I saved for him is exceptionally satisfying to me.

Maybe he likes them better among friends rather than playing alone

Kid would be stupider if he played with the donation boxes *his* toy trucks were transported in to the daycare facility


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Repost. Gotta love the same account farming karma here.


this feels more like a self own. kid probably has his own ipad at home so he never touches his own toys.

“refused” to play with them? are the parents FORCING him to play with specific toys? trucks? afraid to be gay?

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