We had this in my old middle school

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Superdome had these and it never failed some visiting fan would want to piss in it

Had this at my school. Think it had a direct connection to the hot water tank. It was scalding

Where’s the boraxo?

Had them at the machine shop I worked at with Lava Soap Bars‼️💯 Back in 1981🤣 Had to tell a few guys it wasn’t a urinal😬

Nuke plant bathrooms I service still have these and they work

Anyone wanna tell me what this is? Gen X and I’ve never seen one.

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You stepped on the bar and used it to wash your wiener

Still use them at work. Still give a wet crotch if you aren’t careful!

Our elementary school had them. So we could make handwashing part of our bullying/tattling rotation.

We had one in my kindergarten classroom when I was a kid. We found out that you could rub a bar of soap along the holes and plug most of them up. That way, the other ones become super pressurized and spray water across the room.

I often think of these when I’m washing dishes. Would love this pedal for the sink.

They still put these in new schools

Somebody stopped up the drain and filled it with goldfish for their senior prank.

Community urinal

Yep had them when i was in middle school and if I remember correctly at least one of the elementary schools I went to had them.

I can still fucking smell it.

Yep Both of my Middle Schools. Attended 2 different ones due to moving.
Actually it did not work too bad for washing the hands.

Yes! The black ring at the bottom is the pedal you step on the make the water run.

There were several of those in my elementary school, which was brand new when I went there in the 1960s. The Boys and Girls bathrooms both opened on to a central area where the hand washing “stations” were. Boys and girls all washed their hands together, so to speak.

still have them at my work.

That picture smells like Zep…the kind with 4lb chunks of pumice in it

Bradley wash basin, Bradley was the manufacturer.

Loved this thing. Best part was I’m a girl so there was little to no chance someone peed in it. Although I suppose anything’s possible.

We have a hand wash sink just like this at my work. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a visitor using it as a urinal. One time I was actively washing my hands and this guy who was there working on our HVAC sidles up and just started pissing inches from my hands.

Remember the never ending towel that went in a circle? That wasnt a starter of plagues at all.


Haven’t been to Vista House in the Columbia Gorge for a while but these were in the restrooms

We had it in my new middle school

Ball washer

Do kids not wash their hands anymore?

It’s for your hands!

Ball washing

Bradley, the ball washer

I wish more sinks in public restrooms operated with a foot pedal. A manual hands-free option would be great.

anyone working in manufacturing knows full well what these are and likely still uses them.

I work in an old school building and when customers walk in , they always check out the bathroom and you can hear them “ Aww man, remember this?” And the step on the bar to turn on the water and laugh.

Wet paper towel fights!

We had one at the career center. And I remember one at the car dealership for the technicians.
A Napa driver shit himself and was caught washing his ass in it. Horrible day for all


How do you turn the water on… No taps?

Had these in shop class in middle school with the borax that’d remove anything from your hands, including the top two or three layers of skin. This was 1990, but I’m sure they’re much older than that.

that foot pedal would be great for a kitchen sink faucet when washing dishes or food prep when your hands are covered in whatever

it will save water and heating costs and usage when hand washing dishes


God I hated penis inspection day

You can act big and talk shit all day. Then we see who uses the private urinals. GenX grew up hard.

that’s the backup urinal!

“Mr. Nunchuku, please report to the principal’s office immediately.”

Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View California had these in the bathroom. Every single show I went to at least one person would mistake it for a urinal.

To waste as much water as possible.

Just recently used a restroom in a high school football stadium that still had these “community sinks”. Haha

My old carpet cleaning employer had one of these bad boys in the warehouse, lava soap and all. These still go strong in industrial environments

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